I have a lot of fun with this game to the point where I did my trophy run with it but it does have its issues especially when halfway through the run you’ll play as Dante which is great but you have to go through the level you been in as Nero and when doing runs with Vergil Trish and Lady it can get very tedious but it’s still a fun game

I want to love this game because I think that there is so much potential to but omg as going through the slog that is this game I can’t for the life of me would recommend this game to anyone because the combat and general gameplay sucks ass as it more or less plays like a MMORPG games like FF14 and WoW that honestly makes this game so unfair at times especially the combat because it doesn’t rely on hit detection at all and you can die in conversations because the status and even potion effects continue when you’re in dialog with other characters and I played this game twice in both Iorveth and Roche routes and for the life of me even if the story is good and intriguing do not play this game and watch a video about it instead because it is not worth going through countless pains and turmoil that it has caused me

For a game that is a start to a very wonderful and engaging story this game really does set up a lot of events that will evolve into a trilogy of beloved games even if each game has their own issues.

In my experience playing this game I have a lot of fun with it despite it being an old game from 2007 I would say that it was decent but still a good time to play it despite some of the world in differing clusters are fluff besides the important side activities and the story still holds up to this day and very much worth it going through this game since it has some role playing stuff involved (paranade for the win!) but despite all its positives I have to address the negatives such as the leveling system where it feels so useless because it just gives the illusion of increase values of damage when based damage alone is already effective and throughout all my runs with the game Adept is very broken even in insanity so it’s practically the best class by default but otherwise THSI game is good

The game has aged horribly. Being in a system outdated that I would say experience this game once and never again

Honestly this game is just decent after a while and after the spectacle and while it did get tedious at some points I still find myself to enjoy a lot about this game since it feels similar to Devil May Cry and the story in my personal opinion is alright so it’s good

I want to start off with this review saying that this game has aged both poorly and badly, some parts of the game is clunky and some parts work fine. The game is so poorly optimize that I have to go look for a 4gb patch to prevent more memory leaks where especially at Ostagar and Denerim where it uses a lot of memory ends up crashing my game at multiple occasions and other bugs that halt my progress aside I can only give it 4 stars for this reason.

While the negatives I have are out of the way this game is really amazing and I truly love it, it is an rpg in its truest form and I had a lot of fun playing it in the replay in anticipation of Dreadwolf and throughout the run I took the liberty to read every entry (yes and it took a while) and I feel like my knowledge of the game is up to snuff. Lord entry aside I played as a Mage warden and after many runs with human warrior and elven rogue, Mage class was truly overpowered to the point where by the time I went to Ostagar I could easily solo the game and this is on hard difficulty, the game really does make you feel very powerful in this game as a mage that it is a shame that they are needed by the subsequent entries.

Outside of gameplay I do love the story and the companions you can talk through in the game, they are the strong point in the series much like the choices you make and it does ends up being so great that I even neglected my health because I was too invested at some points, I love everyone and yes even the perverted drunk Oghren and Loghain and they’re all good characters. The story is amazing and I do love some of the visuals we have here although I don’t like that the majority of said visuals are on a different shade of brown much like the times where it is a common occurrence in most games released around this time. It is truly a great game I do recommend people to play it, I had a blast and it’s worth your time when it took me over 145 hours and yes that is the reading included.

As for my choices I went pretty dark here:
-Killed a child
-Templars as my war asset
-Branka with the anvil not destroyed
-Alistair king while Loghain lives
- Wynne left (I didn’t like the old bat anyways)
-Vigils Keep saved, Amaranthine fallen

These are just the few choices I decided to change from a normal run I had previously but it is an interesting change of pace nonetheless

I wanna preface this because I’m playing a modded version of the game to restore lost content and bug fixes and overall making the game better on modern pcs and also look good too

From playing this from when I was 14 to now as an adult this game has many aspects of it that made me love BioWare and RPGs in general while also making love the expanded universe Legends was in the Star Wars Universe with my favorite characters being Revan who I love a lot as his design is cool and his signature purple and red lightsaber gives me chills to this day. This game is a wonderful experience as this game allows you to create your Revan however you wanted them to be and this game gives you that creative freedom. I love the story and the companions and the expansive world as well as worlds that are known from movies this game makes you feel like a Jedi/Sith (however you want to play it) and it makes it work but while I did play this game with mods to fix the experience I also have to make note that this game has issues such as bugs and glitches that make the game bad at times and without the mods when playing it in modern pcs makes it hard to see since it’s doesn’t fit the aspect ratio and I understand this game is old and I’m playing it on my pc but it still a worthwhile note if your planning on playing it in ox but in console and switch it should work just fine. Another issue I have with this game is how your morality is too black and white and while KOTOR 2 does fix this with its shades of grey there are too many times where when you’re playing as a Jedi it feels like you’re overly pretentious and too much of a goofy too shoes that doesn’t allow you to be pragmatic (cause that will give you dark side points) but when playing as a sith you’re essentially a cartoonish villain from a show and honestly it does put me off from the game because of that (KOTOR 2 like I said does fox’s that problem for me in my opinion) another issue is that this game is a slog to get through with returning players since the tutorial area Taris is a slog to get through once you know where you’re going (KOTOR 2 also has this issue but I’ll go through it with that review) and makes subsequent runs a huge turn off for replay value.

Overall with my modded run I would give it 5 stars as it does fix a lot of issues i have with the game with the community patches and overall making the game look better on modern hardware while in its original state I would say that I will give it a 3.5 stars since the base game alone is already good I have issues with the bugs that crash my game from time to time but still an enjoyable experience

Real story I was in a lobby full of Asians (they it obviously clear) and one of them wanted to invite me in their server and I did and when they asked me what race I am and I said that I’m a south East Asian they blocked me and kicked me out of their server. Ngl idk how to feel about that

Great game, very bloated to the point I have to take breaks and FUCK Park that’s all

What can I say that hasn’t been already said? This game has made history through the survivor horror genre alone and the personal story of James Sullivan to this day feels like it hasn’t aged at all and I would consider this a timeless classic besides my gripes with the tank controls i would still go through with it regardless as this game has broke me the first time I played it back in 2011 and replaying it has me feeling grateful that I was introduced to this timeless masterpiece and I will always recommend this game to someone who has the slightest inkling of playing horror games

This game is amazing the time spent on it was such an enjoyable experience. I love John Marston and the adventure he went through with this game and 2 and even today it is still good that I highly recommend people to try this game

I wouldn’t call this great but it isn’t mediocre either but it’s a balance with the 2 that would describe my experience of this game. First off I love the OST of this game that essential is the final SH game that Team Silent would make and it shows the effort in this game. The game overall is good and has some wonderful ideas in some places but sometimes feels like it has bad execution and I like how tense it can get from the very beginning with the first person pov in the apartment and 3rd person on the dungeons was neat and I love the story of this game but I have issues with the game as well as it doesn’t feel right fighting the monsters like the previous 3 games compared to here but it’s worth the trudge as I find myself enjoying it but not as much as 2 and 3

It’s a fun game that I enjoy while I don’t necessarily like tank controls I still enjoyed it but I can only have patience to do only one run or it but I have so who knows maybe later down the line I’ll do another run with it

I think I’m some aspects The Last of Is part 2 is a very great game despite a lot of issues with the memes and the fan base I personally love this game as much as the first one for different reasons such as the overhaul of the gameplay and the story and I personally like a lot about it especially the story of revenge and it’s consequences (Revenge is a fool’s game) and while I do love this game it has issues specifically with it pacing that in order to fix it the devs have to completely rewrite everything because nothing you can do to fix it by doing stuff in chronological order can save this game’s pacing as it can ruin a lot of the experience but what’s even worse is that as soon before the Ellie boos fight it just cuts to Abby’s story and while I do not mind it, the game abruptly cuts to her story that it lost all momentum and made stop playing the game because that’s how much you can ruin the game for someone when you just ruin the pacing of the game but otherwise it’s an alright game

The combat was the worse of all the series