What can I say that hasn’t been already said? This game has made history through the survivor horror genre alone and the personal story of James Sullivan to this day feels like it hasn’t aged at all and I would consider this a timeless classic besides my gripes with the tank controls i would still go through with it regardless as this game has broke me the first time I played it back in 2011 and replaying it has me feeling grateful that I was introduced to this timeless masterpiece and I will always recommend this game to someone who has the slightest inkling of playing horror games

Real story I was in a lobby full of Asians (they it obviously clear) and one of them wanted to invite me in their server and I did and when they asked me what race I am and I said that I’m a south East Asian they blocked me and kicked me out of their server. Ngl idk how to feel about that

The combat was the worse of all the series

I wanna preface this because I’m playing a modded version of the game to restore lost content and bug fixes and overall making the game better on modern pcs and also look good too

From playing this from when I was 14 to now as an adult this game has many aspects of it that made me love BioWare and RPGs in general while also making love the expanded universe Legends was in the Star Wars Universe with my favorite characters being Revan who I love a lot as his design is cool and his signature purple and red lightsaber gives me chills to this day. This game is a wonderful experience as this game allows you to create your Revan however you wanted them to be and this game gives you that creative freedom. I love the story and the companions and the expansive world as well as worlds that are known from movies this game makes you feel like a Jedi/Sith (however you want to play it) and it makes it work but while I did play this game with mods to fix the experience I also have to make note that this game has issues such as bugs and glitches that make the game bad at times and without the mods when playing it in modern pcs makes it hard to see since it’s doesn’t fit the aspect ratio and I understand this game is old and I’m playing it on my pc but it still a worthwhile note if your planning on playing it in ox but in console and switch it should work just fine. Another issue I have with this game is how your morality is too black and white and while KOTOR 2 does fix this with its shades of grey there are too many times where when you’re playing as a Jedi it feels like you’re overly pretentious and too much of a goofy too shoes that doesn’t allow you to be pragmatic (cause that will give you dark side points) but when playing as a sith you’re essentially a cartoonish villain from a show and honestly it does put me off from the game because of that (KOTOR 2 like I said does fox’s that problem for me in my opinion) another issue is that this game is a slog to get through with returning players since the tutorial area Taris is a slog to get through once you know where you’re going (KOTOR 2 also has this issue but I’ll go through it with that review) and makes subsequent runs a huge turn off for replay value.

Overall with my modded run I would give it 5 stars as it does fix a lot of issues i have with the game with the community patches and overall making the game look better on modern hardware while in its original state I would say that I will give it a 3.5 stars since the base game alone is already good I have issues with the bugs that crash my game from time to time but still an enjoyable experience

I think I’m some aspects The Last of Is part 2 is a very great game despite a lot of issues with the memes and the fan base I personally love this game as much as the first one for different reasons such as the overhaul of the gameplay and the story and I personally like a lot about it especially the story of revenge and it’s consequences (Revenge is a fool’s game) and while I do love this game it has issues specifically with it pacing that in order to fix it the devs have to completely rewrite everything because nothing you can do to fix it by doing stuff in chronological order can save this game’s pacing as it can ruin a lot of the experience but what’s even worse is that as soon before the Ellie boos fight it just cuts to Abby’s story and while I do not mind it, the game abruptly cuts to her story that it lost all momentum and made stop playing the game because that’s how much you can ruin the game for someone when you just ruin the pacing of the game but otherwise it’s an alright game

It’s a fun game that I enjoy while I don’t necessarily like tank controls I still enjoyed it but I can only have patience to do only one run or it but I have so who knows maybe later down the line I’ll do another run with it

What can I say? This game isn’t good but it’s not that bad in some areas but it’s still bad, I would say that the positives of THSI game is that I really do love the ost of this game it actually was such an immersive soundtrack that I would just trudge through the slog that is this game. Another positive if this game I would say in my opinion was the story while it is average I do like the story but it also has its problems.

Now negatives. This game really is a slog to play through and since it incorporates 3rd person shooter stuff from using guns (I won’t lie it’s been a while since I played it from the time I type this review) makes the game a mess hell the combat mechanics in general are ass and while I do understand that the main character was in the military I just wish they would do some polish in the few important part of the game that isn’t buggy as hell especially when there are boss fights in this game that requires you to use that mechanic once you ran out of bullets

Side note: I personally love the story of the bosses/monsters of this game I won’t even lie it was so immersive that it did send chills down my spine because of how good they are lore wise mechanic wise hell no

Aside from the combat stuff and general exploration being a bit stuttery this game is bad with the soundtrack being the saving grace of this hame

Very worth it playing it in the ps2 for a game that in essence is a reimagining of the first game it did spectacularly well for just being a story driven horror game and the story is what is amazing about this game and the plot twist really hurts me every-time especially with what happened to Heather (my fav) and some few hidden mechanics and details about the game aside this game is worth it and while not scary at all besides the bank (very obvious in the Wii version) this game is amazing

At most this game has the potential to make Silent Hill a great game again and you can see that in the bits and pieces that was laid in the ground work of the game but due to the technical difficulties and the rushed nature of the game making some parts of the game borderline unplayable and the plethora of glitches years after release the game would be so amazing because the story of this game is actually very good in my opinion but when it comes with general exploration and combat is where it’s falls flat and my motto is that even if the game has a very good story but if it has unpolished/bad general gameplay and exploration (applies to every game and since gameplay is important to the game) then I would consider it a bad game and it’s really not bad but it definitely could use some polish but overall I believe that this game is good

If you really think about. Like really really REALLY THINK about it, this game would be over so fast if emps are involved

I wanna preface this by saying that I played this game in both in its original state but for my review I’m playing it with mods such as the Restored Content Mod that makes this game be in its most complete form and mods that fixes the bugs and glitches of the with the community patches as well as making it accessible for modern hardware of PCs since the aspect ration doesn’t fit on my monitor and it makes the game run better overall whilst adding mods that make the game look good

To begin with this game I played both Male and Female Exile with the female Exile being close to canon with the Light Side and Male the Dark Side but with each run I delve into a lot of morally grey options as that’s how I usually feel about it with the Male being more dark grey and Female light with shades of grey.

Knights of the Old Republic 2 Sith Lords is honestly one of my favorite games of all time (I know I didn’t have it on my top5 games on my profile but it’s hard to choose sometimes but I’ll explain it down the line) I personally love how this is basically the deconstruction of the lore about Star Wars we know about as it shows both Jedi and Sith in a very human light that if I’m gonna compare it to the movies is more similar to The Last Jedi but has a more better executions in some area than the movie, this game can be dark and heavy and I love it especially with Nihilus, Atris, The Exile and Kreia who I like for different reason with Nihilus being a wound of the force who is a monster and an absolute threat and menace throughout the game actually scares me just by the mere presence alone as he’s a monster who feeds from the force and that alone just brings out terror through my eyes. Atris who is a fallen Jedi that is very flawed who is very stuck in her ways and overall like the rest of the Jedi but knows that she and the Jedi were very wrong and blames the Exile on the first meeting till the end where everything just broke and overall I like her character as she is broken from the experience and her views have been changed so drastically that it makes her human like all of the Jedi are. Kreia is a fantastic character but also a problem with the whole lore of Star Wars as the community basically misconstrued her views and moral as being a “Grey Jedi” and Grey Jedi as a whole has very conflicting views since in my personal opinion I don’t think there is a thing called Grey Jedi as I believe that there are force users who are Jedi and wants to do good but doesn’t exactly align themselves with the views and morals of the Council and as this game shows they are a problem that caused a lot of the misery throughout the galaxy with noticeable events such as Anakin Skywalker who was failed by the Council and was easily manipulated by Palpatine to kill off the rest of the Jedi Order since their actions such as not feeling emotions, failed to listen to his problems and and offer any peace to his mind since they basically would chastise him from being human and experiencing love, joy and sadness is what caused Palpatine to easily manipulate him and created Darth Vader and allowed the Empire to rule for years. With that note Kreai philosophy while cruel definitely has points toward her wisdom as she is very pragmatic but also is a great teacher to the Exile and even points out the hypocrisies of the Jedi and Sith Order as they have flaws within their system and in the very end wanted both of the order to crumble and disappear as they were no longer needed and just needs to be force users who embraces their humanity and makes herself a villain and overall a very interesting character that I found myself ageeeing with. Lastly the Exile while your own main character like Revan has their own backstory Meetra Surik (canon female exile) has a interesting backstory that coincides with Revan with the Mandolorian wars and instinctually cutting herself off from the force is a very strong character that honestly could rival a lot of notable Jedi throughout the years as Kreia puts her willing cutting herself off the force and not having an over reliance of it like most Jedi are with the force has made her stronger as the force doesn’t dictate her ability to do things but make her resourceful and human and learning from those experience has overall made her a force to be reckoned with and it shows in the game as obtain your lightsaber does make her a very strong threat and overall Meetra Surik like Revan is one of my favorite Star Wars characters of all time.

Character appreciation aside the whole game (again I nodded the game to be at its most complete form) is a very fun experience and honestly can be really broken as I made a build with the droids that ended up being more powerful than all of my Jedi companions combined and a force to reckoned with and I have a lot of fun with this game as a whole as with the morality system has more grey options than black and white options allowing the player be as free as they want with little to no repercussions unlike the first game as it’s morality system only deals in black and white and not allowing pragmatism. The characters and story of this game is the highlights of this game positives as like I said in the beginning this game is a deconstruction of what we know about Star Wars lore as it paints the whole Jedi and sith orders in a very flawed and human light and I prefer more for Star Wars to be that way since it is more relatable and realistic and shows how both sides has their own flaws and I feel like this is why I love about this game, even the Jedi who you rescued ends up betraying you as they do fear you and honestly it’s the highlight moment for me as it shows how even if you save them they’re human and make mistakes and while they do want to do good they ended up doing bad things and throughout the movies and tv shows I think this is perfect. Hell it’s not only the order that the are the highlight, the world of Nar Shadaa is a world that teaches you the flaws natured of everything as it’s both an area that allows you to shape your Exile and also an area where Kreia teaches you her philosophy as she criticizes you actions whether light or dark and teaches you how to be pragmatic even if she can be a bit dark at times but overall the game is such a wonderful masterpiece by Obsidian who made tons of my favorite games that are on or above this game level and that’s where I should start staing my negatives about this game

This game is a very rush and incompletely mess just like every Obsidian game because like Fallout New Vegas the game is super buggy and glitchy to the point where if you commit to an unmixed run it will crash your game multiple times and since this game was made in just 14 months they ended up cutting up a lot of content and the reason why the fan base recommends you play it in pc no matter what because the game is incomplete without it and makes the whole game make sense as there are gaps where it doesn’t make sense at all that will only make sense with the restoration mod plus community patches and fixes are needed to make sure this game doesn’t crash in your pc and honestly I don’t blame Obsidian for rushing but the restriction that was placed on them because it’s the reason why this game is so incomplete

Overall in my modded run I would give it 5 stars as this game is a masterpiece to play and it’s one of my favorite Star Wars game to date and I hope the remake of the first game would be more like this but in its original state I would give it 2 stars because the game is a mess and while I don’t blame Obsidian for rushing this game to release, it is very clear that the game wasn’t even finished and wasn’t ready to be out yet and this rush decision is why it’s a mess as it is today in its original state and I don’t love that at all as I consider this game to be a wonderful game like New Vegas but was mired with a myriad of problems that are caused by it’s rush development

Sorry for the very long review but I’d not really geek out on a game if it isn’t warranted and I only do it to a few games that meant a lot to me so this is one of my favorite games and it’s worth your time with a. Modded pc run

An amazing game that much like the last 2 games was an awesome experience I definitely reccomend people to play it I have so much fun with it despite completing it in a day but very worth it regardless

This game is very ambitious but it does has tons of flaws, I love the game and the story it presents and I do love the concept of using time powers to the combat but there are issues that comes around to how the game was unpolished in certain areas. The platforming and combat are very clunky and at times infuriating as I feel like I’m playing with cinderblocks on my controller but I even have a huge issue with the acting in the live action segments that isn’t Hatch or Paul, it felt like it was made by the CW at how weird the direction went. While it is a decent game with very interesting concepts the polish of the game is left much to be desired but overall a fun yet sometimes infuriating experience

Remedy out did themselves with this game. With heavy inspirations of the SCP foundation and the connected universe of all Remedy game, Control is a very enjoyable game to play despite its sometimes hard difficult spikes occurring from time to time, this game perfectly balanced the lore and mystery the SCP foundation has and made better as I was drawn in from the get go and the game is really fun, at times I feel like I’m Darth Vader with a gun and powerful force abilities as the gameplay loop is more polished and refined compared to Quantum Break the previous game before it. This game is spectacular in terms of atmosphere, horror and science fiction and i reccomend to anyone who has a kindling interest in this game, definitely worth your time especially since this is the last game I need to play before Alan Wake 2

The game is great and even better at some points in the other games and I had a fun time but I have some gripes with it, the reliance of the Batmobile, while I ah e no issues with it, can be very clunky at times and with me being bad at driving in video games this is amplified to a higher degree meaning that I have to restart my games at points because I was either glitched out of the game or it won’t let get out of being in a stuck position which happened a lot.

The story is great and a nice conclusion to Batman but since I did t collect all the Riddler trophies I was satisfied enough to watch a YouTube video for the complete ending and I have issues when the complete and true ending is relegated into 100% the game that has collectibles and I do not have the time in my life to waste i to doing it otherwise it’s a great game overall