Playing this game with the knowledge of the books it’s based off of is a wonderful experience I love exploring all the locations this game has to offer and even Toussaint in the B&W dlc that I love and enjoyed every second of it to the point where I did everything the game has to offer. I love the Gwent mini game more than dice poker, the areas are beautiful and while playing this in Deathmarch this game can be really challenging with enemy upscaling and the new camera system. Overall I love this game and a wonderful conclusion to Gerald, Yen and Ciri story and as a book fan I love it since they deserve this happy ending

After playing BoTW this game is certainly an upgrade especially with its verticality from going up to the sky and going underground this game is amazing but since this is almost an exact same game as BoTW with a few additional upgrades this game didn’t hold my attention too long and got me dropping it at several occasions but it’s still a fun game

This game is amazing the time spent on it was such an enjoyable experience. I love John Marston and the adventure he went through with this game and 2 and even today it is still good that I highly recommend people to try this game

Visual novels/ dialog based RPGs are not really my thing I came into this game with low expectations since a friend of mine wanted me to try it and the moment I start it is already an adulterated chaos that it kept going and I find myself enjoying this a lot more as I kept playing and feel empty when I finished it so it’s definitely worth it. Cuno is funny

While I think that the story is amazing and the highlight of this game just like with FES Tartarus is a slog to run through and every time I have to go through with it, it always feels like a huge endurance run that each block gets more tedious but I do love the quality of life changes that allows us to control the party members but it is still a grind regardless

A fantastic resolution to Clementine’s story and I honestly love this game after the bad taste that ANF gave and honestly got me crying so it’s very worth it despite my issues with the combat and new mechanic that feels like a shock out of me since it’s not a point and click adventure like the last 3 games

I’m conflicted with this game while having this game day 1 it was so bad that I stopped playing it only until recently I have a chance to replay this game again recently due to the news of dlc coming soon plus watching the anime I can say that the fixes have been really nice and it plays smoothly and while it was fun playing this game there really is a whole lot of nothing I finish almost everything about this game and it still has its issues but hopefully the dlc would change my mind with it but I certainly still say that this needs more polish

Honestly this game is just decent after a while and after the spectacle and while it did get tedious at some points I still find myself to enjoy a lot about this game since it feels similar to Devil May Cry and the story in my personal opinion is alright so it’s good