104 Reviews liked by H1GHLANDER360

Miles Morales is nothing mindblowing but it's simply good all around. The swinging feels like a big step up thanks to the animations, which are just stellar. Same thing goes for the combat, I can't get enough of those finishers. Unfortunately the story never reaches the highs of the first game: while the pacing is strong, the writing feels clunky and I never really got to care about any of the characters - plus I actually laughed during the final boss fight because of how terrible the dialogue was, so yeah...

Still, this was a good time and in many ways a perfect Christmas game.

Ascend through Valhalla to help Kratos fumkin' THINK.

An incredible free DLC for GoW Ragnarok, and a wonderful little love letter to the older fans of the series. I originally thought it was just a whatever-arena-thing to have a repeatable combat challenge for those who solely wanted more combat, but boy was I mostly wrong. In reality, it's a quaint and relatively short rogue-like story epilogue that takes advantage of the game's great combat and fun upgrades, in order to deliver a very competent take on the genre it replicates. Past the combat, it also constantly references back to Kratos' past in great, and sometimes humorous ways, to spruce things up for us story lovers. Without saying much else, this DLC concludes the character arc for Kratos following Ragnarok, and it's very worth playing. :)
I love this series.


Gears Marcus Collection when 😭

The title ask: "Where's my Mickey?" and yet he's right there in the game, you don't even have to wonder where he is. Massive oversight on Disney's part.

weaker on some parts, stronger on others.
either way it's Resident Evil 4 and it's an absolute blast

Very good, I only think that legion arms could be more enforced (barely used cause I forget it even existed), enemy design could definetly be better and more creative, and last area is too long for its own good.

Video games are fucking real again.

god i wish i were a highly visible wooden barrel with unnatural yellow paint on



Also fail all the chase sequences/fights it’s so funny

She'll only come out at night
The lean and hungry type
Nothing is new, I've seen her here before
Watching and waiting
She's sitting with you but her eyes are on the door
So many have paid to see, what'd you think, you'd get it for free
The woman is wild, a she-cat tamed by the purr of a Jaguar
Money's the matter, if you're in it for love you ain't gonna get too far
Oh, here she comes
Watch out boy she'll chew you up
Oh, here she comes
She's a man eater
Oh, here she comes
Watch out boy she'll chew you up
Oh, here she comes
She's a man eater
I wouldn't if I were you, I know what she can do
She's deadly man, and she could really rip your world apart
Mind over matter
The beauty is there but a beast is in the heart
Oh, here she comes
Watch out boy she'll chew you up
Oh, here she comes
She's a man eater
Oh, here she comes
Watch out boy she'll chew you up
Oh, here she comes
She's a man eater
Oh, here she comes
Watch out boy she'll chew you up
Oh, here she comes
She's a man eater
Oh, here she comes
Oh she'll chew you up
Oh, here she comes
Here she comes
She's a man eater
Oh, here she comes
She'll only come out at night
Oh, here she comes
Here she comes she's a man eater
Oh, here she comes
The woman is wild oh
Oh, here she comes
Here she comes watch out boy watch out boy
Oh, here she comes
Oh watch out watch out watch out watch out
Oh here she comes
She's a man eater

Gears of War 4 is disappointing and ultimately mediocre. The graphics and gameplay are polished but its missing the grit and atmosphere of the older GoW games.

The story is very barebones and the new characters aren't much to run home about. JD and Del are fine if fairly bland but Kait is pretty obnoxious. Didn't much care for her (So of course they make her the protagonist of the next game go figure). Seriously what is it with Laura Bailey being cast as some of the most unlikable main characters in gaming? Anyways it was nice seeing Marcus back who is easily the best part of the game even though it feels like he barely has anything to do and the cameos by Baird, Cole and Samantha were nice. I wasnt big on how they killed Anya offscreen like seriously it would have worked way better narratively if she died at the end of this game motivating both Marcus and JD wanting revenge against the Swarm or whatever this new locust faction is. I just hate the type of lame Marvel style banter though they tried inserting with the younger characters instead of the machismo militaristic dialogue we got in the original trilogy.

The campaign is also just paced very poorly. It feels both too long and too short at the same time and the ending is one of the most lackluster finale's in the entire franchise.

I remember seeing the teasers and some gameplay footage for this and thought it was going to go back to the gritty horror roots of the first two games but nope instead for most of it your fighting against robots and the last section your in a gigantic mech suit. This shit doesn't feel like Gears of War.

As you can see I'm not big on this game. Is it the worst ever? No but I have no desire to ever play it again and considering how much I enjoy the original trilogy this was a colossal let down back in 2016 and still is in 2023.

Played this as part of the new Quake 2 Remaster. I only ever played the base game in the past so this was new content for me. It was an okay expansion overall but it follows crappy DLC design 101 which is throw as many enemies at the player as possible and give them bugger all ammo to deal with them. Like even in the basic grunts have decked out weapons and can kill you in seconds. It does add some new weapons which is cool like the Phalanx and the Ionripper which are fun to use. The final boss is recycled from the base game though which I found to be a litte lazy. Overall, decent if you want more of Quake 2.

All DLC I have Played and Reviewed Ranked - https://www.backloggd.com/u/JudgeDredd35/list/all-dlcs-i-have-played-and-reviewed-ranked/

don't care, where's Garten of Banban 8