88 Reviews liked by Hale

Still the definition of a great game

My personal pinnacle of western RPGs. One of the few games where choice and consequence isn't a gimmick and contributes to a really interesting story in which you are an active participant. With the proper mods on PC this game is 5/5, but because you have to mod and the gameplay felt dated even when it was released, it's not perfect, but to me it's pretty close.

The master of simple graphics and the sandbox genre

This game made me appreciate CRPGs. The choice and consequence is fantastic. There's a few instances where all of the branches and choices can result in some bugs/weirdness, but Larian seems keen to find and fix all of these instances. I never enjoyed any CRPG before this game, and while I still prefer first/third person experiences, this game has opened me up to a new genre I never appreciated.

Portal but more, the first Portal is such a masterclass and this is the same good with new mechanics.

I hope sonic superstars or spiderman 2 ends up trumping this game for goty

Crush your limbs and build silly levels for your friends to crush their limbs.

Game goes so unbelievably hard, love the atmosphere and music and the combat and the moment to moment gameplay and the exploration. Total banger I 100%'d it in a week lmao

I rate it 5 stars considering its production (2 people in Hamburg).
It is a great game, a good not-so-retro survival horror.
Warning tho, you have to like cryptik stories, symbolism and not understanding every thing. I guess i'm a little dumb when it comes to video games and culture in general, I must admit I dislike not understanding what is the point of the game. If you like David Lynch or BLAME! go full in tho, it is exactly the same cryptik narration

Malicious game, difficult grinding with impossible boss fights and annoyingly perfect game design - the only reason this game exists is to make you waste all your time rather than doing anything productive in the real world. So be warned

You MAY lose all your friends because SOMEBODY took all the best loot out of the unorganised communal storage area

You MAY look up what to do next on the terraria wiki because you're all too stupid and have been unable to progress for the last 8 hours so you built a massive fuck-off building you will never use

You MAY partake in boss fights so severely and unknowingly unprepared that it will result in years of intensive treatment down the line

And you MAY just realise, halfway through a pirate invasion, or an exploration through the dungeon, that this is the best survival game of all time.

The only bad thing about terraria is that it ends.

Turning a new generation of kids into terrible landlords

one of the only good gachas

Blizzard leaving Overwatch without any major updates for 3 years just to have the worst launch of any game in history is such a Blizzard moment, I swear to god.

I love the changes that OW2 made, but I miss the old systems like levels, lootboxes and credits a lot :(