88 Reviews liked by Hale

They hired the voice actor for Winston from Overwatch to voice Kaito in the English dub. This was a huge point of entertainment for me.

I liked it a lot more than I expected, but Trico is a pain to control.

A great game, and an excellent synthesis of previous From Software titles in terms of mechanics and level design. My biggest complaint is that at the end of the game, the difficulty gets so blown out so far that either you're one-shotting everything, or they're one-shotting you. It turns what is a nice back-and-forth in the beginning and middle areas to rocket dueling.

Amazing level design, great combat, and an interesting world. Like many people, I do like this game a lot, and like a lot of people, I feel it starts to fall apart in the later half, but not enough to ruin it.

One of the best examples of an open-world sandbox style game, and one of the best examples of passionate, dedicated developers. A must-play, for sure, and great with friends.

this is really did redefine what a sequel meant

It's not easy to find puzzle games without annoying puzzles

A Playstation 3 classic. A truly unique endeavor in presentation and gameplay, with an unapologetically fun tone. This was a game you could sink hours into with your friends or siblings on the couch playing through the story or player-created levels. Simple, charming, and good.

Not as good. Buggy, didn't add much. Bummer.

Just as good as the first with even more stuff. The player-created levels began to diminish in this entry due to the game's complexity and its cult following dying out, but everything else about it was great.

Such a rare thing to see a game like this be given this kind of platform. It feels like the kind of thing that shouldn’t exist - something this artsy, strange, and evocative shouldn’t be in a AAA action game - but here it is. I definitely need to get into remedy entertainment’s other works

This game has great lore and worldbuilding, and a significant number of glaring fundamental issues. The combat is pretty decent, but it is hampered by mediocre hitboxes and gameplay issues. This game heavily relies on artificial difficulty, where they increase the number of enemies or the number of environmental hazards in an area to make it harder. There are also enemies in a later area that spawn out of thin air and can spawn directly on your character, making you take free damage from an enemy that you cannot even see. Similarly, the boss encounters are incredibly weak imo. Most bosses have a very small moveset of 3-4 moves that they relentlessly spam and later in the encounter, the bosses will just increase how quickly they use this repetitive moveset. It makes most fights very boring and while most bosses are very well-designed, their fights don't have the same effect. One simple gameplay mechanic that frustrated me to hell was the fact that your character is knocked down when taking damage in most cases. The bosses take advantage of this knockdown by spamming more of their attacks while you're knocked down, which in most cases would be fine, but it seems like the knockdown is an animation lock causing you to not be able to move or parry while you're down. You also will likely need a guide for this game because all of the item descriptions or questlines are incredibly cryptic and its often near impossible to determine what to do with specific quest items. Finally, while lorewise the final boss of the game is interesting, the actual encounter is a massive letdown due to the fight being terribly boring/uninteresting in phase 1 and gimmicky to an extent that it becomes frustrating in phase 2. Overall, I still enjoyed my time with this game, but I think that there are many gameplay aspects that don't feel right and I hope that they are fixed in Blasphemous 2.



Persona 1 is the prime example of why the ps1 generation was hit or miss, you had a generation that had classics like gran turismo and metal gear solid 1 yet Persona 1 leaves you feeling bored and depressed over the fact that you will waste many hours of your life playing a game that makes pokemon seem hard. The only thing that saves persona 1 from being absolute dog shit is the fact that te characters and writing were actually pretty decent, but everything else in the game is dreadful, at least the music in the psp version is better.