88 Reviews liked by Hale

This review was written before the game released

The gameplay of the first game is in tact, which is good. The rest of the game, however, is a microtransaction filled hell, whcih is not good. Just give us back the first game, please.

aqua with cat ears like if you agree

i played this with my best friend and there were so many funny moments during the gameplay. i found the story to be really beautiful and it definitely sends a message out there, i would play it again!


this game was actually helpful as it taught me how mentally low i could really go before i completely lose my shit. great game! (1.3k hours in Steam)

Control/Gameplay - It's just clicking.

Graphics & Sound - Dependable on the creator, the vanilla levels are kind of shit when you compare to what other players are capable of making in the online levels with banging newgrounds music

Story - No story plot.

Characters - Scratch da homie fr

Replayability - I would 100% go back to test my mental abilities again

Overall Score - 3.5

We're starting to see the return of old Mikami.

This is a total asshole nitpick on my end, but I am pretty disappointed that this game stays in 4/4 time signature most of the game. Mechanically, it's the best way to introduce the core Stylish Action (or Character Action, if you prefer, but I'll take my nomenclature from the people who actually made the genre) combo systems, 4/4 measure of a two quarter notes, quarter rest, then another quarter note doing the classic "X, X, nothing, X" styles of combos. Not having any penalty for getting off the beat ensures that it's not too demanding, there's no chance of failure and only rewards via an increase in damage.

But by the fifth or so mission the novelty was wearing off and all I was left with was an above average Stylish Action game that's gimmick isn't as defining to the game as it wants you to think. How cool would it be to have a stealth mission in a 2/2 time signature where you need to use slower and more deliberately placed presses for dashing, or a hectic boss fight in 6/8? It feels like a major missed opportunity for a game that's whole identity is rhythm.

Come on, it's Minecraft. The only limit is your imagination. I grew up with this game and there is so much to it. I like to play the single player mode in a grindy sort of way where I farm to produce resources to build very large structures, which is probably a 3.5 experience. But, playing this game on a server with friends is the pinnacle of multiplayer gaming.

so what happened to cloud and tifa? i thought this was supposed to be final fantasy

While i feel this game was completely unnecessary- i still thought it was a fun adventure, it's a short, quick fun game, but definitely desnecessary, still a little fun adventure though.

potentially the worst era of my life