Games that include LGBTQ+ characters, relationships/romances, themes, etc.

- You can play as gay, bi, aro-ace, and trans/nonbinary.
- All love interests are romanceable regardless of your gender, and you can select whether they themselves are male or female depending on your sexuality.
- Verda is gay and married to a man.
- Tina is bisexual.
- You can play as nonbinary, gay, bi/pan, aro and/or ace, polyamorous, etc.
- Beaumont, Dominique, Trevelyan, Asher, and Hyacinthe are all bi/pansexual.
- Javi is bi/panromantic asexual.
- Javi, Dominique, Beaumont, and Trevelyan are polyamorous.
- Multiple background characters are gay, nonbinary, and polyamorous. In the epilogue, you are present for a polyamorous wedding.
- You can play as trans, nonbinary, gay, bisexual, aro-ace, etc. You can customise your own set of pronouns.
- Ortega, Dr. Mortum, Argent, and Herald are bi/pansexual.
- Dr. Mortum is transgender.
- Steel is gay.
- You can play as nonbinary, gay, bisexual, aro, ace, polyamorous, etc.
- Pascha, Rys, and Danelak are bi/pansexual.

Multiple minor/side NPCs are gay, nonbinary, and polyamorous.
- Ryan is bisexual.
- Dylan is MLM (unspecified, though his VA sees him as strictly gay).
- Ryan and Dylan can share flirtation and a kiss.
- The protagonist, Bai, Dana, Adrian, Tammy, and Suzy are all bi/pansexual.
- Adrian is a trans woman.
- The protagonist, Suzy, and Tammy are all polyamorous. Eden and her husband may be, too.
- Sara and Flora are lesbians.
- You can play as trans, nonbinary, gay, bi/pansexual, aro-ace, etc.
- Lady Venuma, Breeze, Oli, Lockdown, Baron Airon, and Otherboard are all bi/pansexual.
- Breeze is transgender/intersex (seemingly dependent on route? I believe if binary male or female they will be trans, and if nonbinary they will be intersex).
- Prince Everly is nonbinary and only romanceable to other nonbinary characters.
- Cadet Gadget is gay.
- You can play as gay, bisexual, aro-ace, etc. You can customise your own set of pronouns.
- Daisy/Dandy, Gunther, Leah/Lamuel, Oriana/Orion, Winter, Ruby, and Kyra/Kyran are bisexual/pansexual.
- You can play as nonbinary, gay, bisexual/pansexual, transgender, etc.
- Seraphina, Altair, Astrid, Yakov, Leon, Thalia, Katia, Kol, Cressida, Cyrus, Gisela, Jarrod, and Dominic are all biesxual/pansexual.
- Many side characters are LGBTQ+. This includes themes such as Gisela's romantic feelings for Katia, and in some routes a fairly focused-on side plot involving your father and a male professor.
- You can select your pronouns, including they/them. You can select your character's appearance from a masculine option, a feminine option, and one that I gather is supposed to be gender-nonconforming but is still pretty feminine.
- Every romance option is available regardless of your gender/pronouns.
- Sacha is a trans man.
- You can play as gay, bi, aro-ace, and trans/nonbinary.
- All love interests are romanceable regardless of your gender, and you can select whether they themselves are male or female depending on your sexuality.
- Verda is gay and married to a man.
- Tina and Falk are bi/pansexual.
- You can play as nonbinary, gay, bi/pansexual, etc.
- Straasa, Morkai, Eledwyn, Daelynn, and Manerkol are all bi/pansexual.
- You can play as nonbinary, bi/pansexual, gay, etc.
- A, R, G, M, Q, and the Shadowman are all bi/pansexual.
- You can play as nonbinary, gay, bi/pansexual, aro-ace, etc.
- Max, Delacroix, Rosario, Hartmann, Freddie, Blaise, Karson, Auguste, and Florin are all bi/pansexual.
- Florin and Zuri are aromantic.
- Zuri is asexual.

You can be in a polyamorous relationship with Max and Delacroix.
- Edelgard, Linhardt, Dorothea, Mercedes, Jeritza, Yuri, Sothis, and Rhea are available to romance with any gender of protagonist.
- Hubert, Ferdinand, Petra, Dimitri, Dedue, Felix, and Sylvain are not available for same-sex romance with Byleth, but are implied to be non-straight in other endings with one another (Sylvain is confirmed to be bisexual in spinoff/sequel Three Hopes).
- Min is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.
- Alvis, Evander, Verity, and Meredith are bi/pansexual.
- Letha and Despina are WLW and can marry each other depending on playthrough.
- Numerous background and supporting characters are LGBTQ+ in various ways.
- You can have a polyamorous romance with Alvis and Verity.
- Every character in Blush Blush is MLM.
- You can play as gay, bisexual, aro-ace, etc. You can customise your own set of pronouns.
- Daisy/Dandy, Gunther, Leah/Lanuel, Oriana/Orion, Winter, and Ruby are bisexual/pansexual.
- Rin is a gender non-conforming/crossdressing man who is either gay or bisexual/pansexual.
- Vincent is bisexual.
- Erica is a trans woman.
- You can play as nonbinary, gay, bisexual/pansexual, transgender, etc.
- Seraphina, Altair, Astrid, Yakov, Leon, Thalia, Katia, Kol, Cressida, Cyrus, Gisela, Jarrod, and Dominic are all biesxual/pansexual.
- Many side characters are LGBTQ+. This includes themes such as Gisela's romantic feelings for Katia, and in some routes a fairly focused-on side plot involving your father and a male professor.
- Two female Traci androids Connor meets are in a romantic relationship.
- Markus and Simon's romantic relationship was cut from the final product, but build-up and some scenes have been left in.
- You can play as nonbinary and can select pronouns from they/them, he/him, and she/her. You can also choose a 'feminine-presenting' player character and use he/him and vice versa.
- All love interests are romanceable regardless of your gender/pronouns.
- You can play as trans, nonbinary, gay, bisexual, aro-ace, etc. You can customise your own set of pronouns.
- Ortega and Dr. Mortum are bi/pansexual.
- Dr. Mortum is transgender.
- You can play as gay, bi, aro-ace, and trans/nonbinary.
- All love interests are romanceable regardless of your gender, and you can select whether they themselves are male or female depending on your sexuality.
- Verda is gay and married to a man.
- Tina is bisexual.
- Alex, Oscar, Joshua, Morris, Theodore, Edward, and Laurence are all MLM.
- You can play as nonbinary, gay, bi/pansexual, aro-ace spectrum, etc.
- David, Lucy, and Kris are all bi/pansexual.
- Sam is a trans girl.
- You can play as gay, bisexual, aro-ace, etc. You can customise your own set of pronouns.
- Daisy/Dandy, Leah/Lamuel, and Gunther are bisexual/pansexual.
- You can play as trans, nonbinary, gay, bi/pansexual, aro-ace, etc.
- Lady Venuma, Breeze, Oli, Lockdown, Baron Airon, and Otherboard are all bi/pansexual.
- Breeze is transgender/intersex (seemingly dependent on route? I believe if binary male or female they will be trans, and if nonbinary they will be intersex).
- Prince Everly is nonbinary and only romanceable to other nonbinary characters.
- Cadet Gadget is gay.
- You can be nonbinary and choose from he/him, she/her, and they/them pronouns.
- All of the romance options (Asra, Julian, Nadia, Portia, Muriel, and Lucio) can be romanced regardless of your character's gender/pronouns.
- Nahara is WLW and can end up with Portia in certain endings.
- Mazelinka is WLW.
- Nazali, Vulgora, and Valdemar are all nonbinary and go by they/them.
- Asra is nonbinary and goes by he/they.
- Sander Cohen is gay.
- Jaehee is WLW.
- Seven is genderfluid and pansexual.
- Rika is bisexual.
- David King is gay.
- Tracer and Pharah are lesbians.
- Soldier: 76 is gay.
- Lifeweaver is pansexual.
- Baptiste is bisexual.
- Roadhog and Junkrat are not confirmed to be non-straight, but Lifeweaver has a voice line that implies it.
Every romance candidate is bi/pansexual.
All romance options are available regardless of protagonist gender.
- Jacob is bisexual.
- Roth is MLM.
- Ned is a transgender man.
- You can play as trans, nonbinary, gay, bi/pansexual, aro-ace, etc.
- Lady Venuma, Breeze, Oli, and Otherboard are all bi/pansexual.
- Breeze is transgender/intersex (seemingly dependent on route? I believe if binary male or female they will be trans, and if nonbinary they will be intersex).
- Max (the protagonist) is bisexual.
- Chloe is WLW and available to romance as Max.
- Athena and Janey are lesbians.
- Josephine is bi/panromantic and potentially asexual.
- Sera is a lesbian.
- Dorian is gay.
- Iron Bull is pansexual.
- Krem is a transgender man.
- Multiple side/supporting LGBTQ+ characters and relationships.
- You can play as nonbinary, and as gay or bi/pansexual.
- Nick and Rania are bi/pansexual.
- You can set your Sim's sexuality to straight, gay, pansexual, or asexual.
- You can make your Sim transgender or nonbinary. This includes things such as top surgery scars, allowing you to decide whether your Sim can get pregnant or impregnate others separate from gender, whether they stand or sit to pee, etc.
- Most NPCs can be married regardless of gender, though some have set preferences that can be revealed if you get to know them.
- Seiko is a lesbian.
- You can play as trans, nonbinary, gay, bi/pansexual, etc.
- Black Magic, Jury, Prodigal, and Lucky are bi/pansexual.
- Jenny is a lesbian.
- Stage Show is a trans woman.
- The Bear and GG are gay men.
- Numerous supporting characters are nonbinary, gay, bi/pan, etc.
- You can play as trans, nonbinary, gay, bi/pansexual, etc. You can choose your own pronouns.
- Black Magic and Jury are bi/pansexual.
- Jenny is a lesbian.
- Ellie and Riley are WLW.
- Matthew and Walter are gay.
- You can play as trans, nonbinary, gay, bi/pansexual, etc.
- Black Magic, Jury, and Lucky are bi/pansexual.
- Jenny is a lesbian.
- Stage Show is a trans woman.
- The Bear and GG are gay men.
- Numerous supporting characters are nonbinary, gay, bi/pan, etc.
- Trevor is implied to be bisexual.
- Kinzie, Shaundi, Asha, Matt, Johnny, Cid, and Pierce are all bisexual/pansexual.
- Bill is gay.


- Garry is nonbinary, and described as "wanting to transcend the barriers of gender".
- Character customisation allows you to mix and match gender presentation, voices, clothing, body types, etc. without requirement.
- The Boss uses they/them pronouns and everyone refers to them as such.
- Many of the characters who are available to 'romance' in the sequel also appear here, and are bisexual/pansexual (Kinzie, Pierce, Johnny, Shaundi, Matt), but it's not addressed in this game.
Every marriage option is available to do so with any gender of Dragonborn.
- Alexy is gay.
- Isabela, Anders, Fenris, and Merrill are all bisexual.
- Aveline is implied to be bisexual.
- Serendipity is a transgender woman.
- Numerous side characters are LGBTQ+ in various ways.
- Reaver is bisexual/pansexual.
- Most NPCs/minor characters are available to sleep with and/or marry regardless of protagonist gender.
- Many background/side NPCs are LGBTQ+ in various ways.
- Moxxi and Tannis are bisexual.
- Quique Montemayor and Vincente de Santa are implied to be MLM.
- Minor characters/NPCs are shown to be same-sex attracted.
- Zevran and Leliana are bisexual, and can be romanced by any protagonist.
- Several gay side NPCs/relationships.
- Neeko is a lesbian.
- Tamara, Leona, and Diana are WLW.
- Valmar and Kai are gay.
- Taliyah is implied to be a transgender woman.
- You can set your Sim's sexuality to straight, gay, pansexual, or asexual.
- NPCs can generally be married regardless of gender.
- Reaver is bisexual/pansexual.
- Many NPCs you can marry and/or sleep with are bi/pan or gay. You can check an NPC's sexuality by looking at their character information.
- Pisha is a lesbian.
- Jeanette is bisexual.
- Your character can seduce several NPCs of the same sex; female protagonists have more options than male protagonists do.


8 months ago

Great list! Starfield has a number of queer characters; probably the most prominent is Barrett who is one of your main companions. He's a gay man and a big part of his personal story arc is working through the loss of his husband.

In Hi Fi Rush, Peppermint and a female character who I won't spoil end up as some kind of "item" by the end.

Pentiment has a couple of monks who are in a relationship, and the fact that they have to hide it is treated by the game as a bad thing.

The subject character of Unpacking is a woman who, for at least some amount of time, is in a relationship with a woman.

In Paradise Killer you play as a woman and can sleep with men or women.

In Tell Me Why you play as a set of twins, one of which is a trans man.

In Hades Achilles is presented as gay, and his quest is to reunite him with his lover.

Two of your main friends in Night in the Woods are a gay couple.

There's a ton more out there I can keep dropping them here if you're trying for a comprehensive list.

8 months ago

@cowboyjosh Oh wow, thank you so much! So far this is just games I've personally played, but I'm always seeking out more LGBT games to play through and add here, so I'll take that as a list of games to look into and check out for myself :D Please do feel free to drop more

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