While the game does everything it tried to do as perfect as possible, so I am just gonna mention the thing that gates the game from being perfect and what makes it worse than the sum of its parts, which makes it feel sometimes as blueprint or a proof of concept to be built upon later.

While the game introduces pretty good mechanics and uses them well for the most part, it never felt like those things were utilized to their fullest potential till the game's last moment all the puzzles were very simple nothing really had me stopping and thinking how do I do this. Sometimes it even felt repetitive because of how some puzzles feel like it is the same puzzle that I did earlier but at a more awkward angle. The introduced mechanics never felt to me like they were expanded on as well as they could have been it , while staying simple and easy isn't really a negative towards a game, I believe not expanding as much as possible on the introduced ideas and mechanics can hurt a puzzle game and gate it from its full potential.

While it is the better game out of the 2, and with how almost flawless 1 was you would expect 2 to be a 10/10 if it is a better game, but no I would still give it a 9 too.

I think the game was a bit too long and there was a weird section in the middle of the game where it felt to me that the puzzles mainly relied on how big the area in which the puzzle was set rather than being hard to solve or tricky, which got really old after a couple of those.

Not a review but my thoughts on the game after 80 hours , getting the golden ending and finishing around 50-60% of the side quests. Still have to say this a game I never thought I would like or even care enough to finish it so maybe some of these criticisms are purely because of my taste in games and what I am used to in the first place. Very minor spoilers in the form of character/dungeon names or dungeon themes.
- The existence of 16 social links " I think", alongside having to level up your personal stats like knowledge, diligence .. etc, leveling up your persona and your crew, working for money felt to me like there is a few too many things that you need to manage in so little time which left me overwhelmed sometimes and very undecisive on what should I do on each day. And in the holiday seasons in the calendar time of the game it makes no sense that you still only had afternoon and evening to do stuff in since there is no school the morning period should have been free to do something extra in them. Oh , and some social link seemed really random to me that they even exist.

- Almost all the dungeons have pretty cool themes and the music is also pretty good in all of them, but I wish there was some consistency in the floor layouts like it doesn’t make sense to me that sometimes floor 2 of dungeon is extremely large and takes a decent amount of time to cleat then floor 3 takes like 3 minutes and so on, I would have rather seen average sized floors in all of the floors or that the floor size increases with each floor. It also makes no sense to me that going from one floor to another makes you forget the layout of the previous floor.

- The worst condition that I met in order to go further in a dungeon was when you are asked to clear like up to floor 7 get an item then go back to floor 3 and open a door, that’s fine when done once or so but doing it multiple times especially with the fact that you forget floor layouts once you leave them makes it really annoying later on especially that all you do then is just run around avoiding enemies to find the entrance to the previous floor.

- Bosses were mostly okay too good, but then there was a couple that really made me want to quit the game because of how needlessly tanky and boring they are.

- The secret dungeon” hollow forest “ is probably one of the worst areas I have ever played in a game including its bosses , it is needlessly overly reliant on gimmicks and annoying stuff to be “hard” but all what it achieves is being an annoying chore.
- The game past around the 50 hour mark got really boring and stale , and started to feel like a chore, because the combat is extremely easy and lacks mechanical and strategic depth to support 80 hours of play time, the combat is not “Bad” in itself it is just extremely simple and will get really old and boring after 50 hours or so. The main thing that kept me going was the story and characters.

- The game story was overall pretty decent but what got me intrigued the most was the writing of the characters; it is one of the best I have seen and I genuinely cared for most of the characters. The development you witness through the social links and the events of the story for each character is extremely great. Dojima, Kanji and Nanako became of my all-time favorite characters.
- One last thing is that the true ending is needlessly convoluted imo.

Overall I would say a 7.5/10 most of these things are just me being nitpicky.

game can go F*ck itself , near the end it is just cheese and unfairness almost like they ran out of ideas so they went like random bullshit go

while the game has a lot of issues in the form of an extremely bloated item pool. sometimes the rooms that are generated are the definition of trolling the player. also the bad payouts in the form of troll bombs or spider chests sometimes can get a little tiring since it happens more often than it should but overall I think this game ended up being one of my favorite roguelikes

finished about 30% of the game, lots of good ideas but the controls and bossed make the game extremely unfun, so I have to leave it at that

Fuck the worm/snake archetype enemies

It's just a game where you turn your brain off and shoot shit mindlessly, being shorter would have probably benefited it despite it being already short and that writing made me wanna tear off my ears

I can't put a score on this game , it has great VA, music , writing and story but what you call the "game" itself absolutely sucks and is atrocious because it makes 0 sense and is stupid as helll

This game has the worst most atrocious infuriating anger inducing final 30 minutes in videogame history FUCK THIS SHIT and whoever made it

Hopefully the sequel improves on the game's shortcomings and doesn't just do more of the same with minor additions

This review contains spoilers

let me start by saying that overall I still really enjoy elden ring , I believe it is a very good game. that being said the game experience overall has a ton of frustrations and lead me many times to wanting to quit this game.

let's split this into sections, while still being very quick about it.

first the world and level design of the game is absolutely brilliant, at least for the main dungeons and most of the side castles/forts. those are the parts where the game stays very consistent in quality with. on the other hand the catacombs, tunnels, graves ... etc is where the game really fumbles, at the very start of the game these are a little fun today but after like 2-3 areas in the game they just become so boring and so repetitive that I ultimately stopped doing them, their layouts are extremely repetitive, boss quality is very bad to average at best and on top of that the bosses get super repetitive. and inherently given how many options for builds and shit are in the game 80-90% of the rewards are not worth your time doing because they are mostly irrelevant to your playstyle .

The combat in this doesn't really need much talking , it feels as good as ever with even more viable options.

so far this has been mostly good, now comes the issues that are mostly corelated to each other that make this game insufferable at times and extremely frustrating, the boss design which is the last thing I expected to say about a from game given how they have been improving that each game with DS3 and Sekiro having the most brilliant boss fights in any video game. sadly, in elden ring something went wrong with their boss design/balance or maybe it is just the way of doing bosses now for them which in this case, I am not looking forward to fighting their upcoming bosses.

first issue I have with the bosses in this game is that some of them just get too damn repetitive they lose their special-ness and can make a fight go from really good to tedious or from special to being just another one of those, dragons, fallingstar beasts and astel all of those were really fun for me the first time I fought them but with each time you face one more it just becomes less and less enjoyable, or in case of astell since it's only the game for 2 times "as far as I have seen" it lost the fact that it was a very unique encounter. oh and FUCK THOSE TREE SENTINELS.

second issue I have with the game bosses is their balance the game bosses for me went from very easy to do to nut crushingly hard just all of a sudden and I wasn't over or under leveled in either cases. I don't mind a challenging boss, but I do mind that this game just have a big issue with difficulty spikes/balancing. for instance, margit had really cool moves and I like him as boss move set wise but when I fought him, he just kinda died which was very disappointing , same for the second time I faced him. then we just jump to shit like melania,mohg and maliketh, there has been no middle ground boss fight wise for my playstyle they were either too easy or hella hard.

Now let's talk about the boss design , especially in the late game. this game really fucks up a lot of really good fights just because it insists on having at least one super shitty broken move per boss in the late game that makes you feel sour about the whole experience, even if the rest of the boss fight is really fun. let's talk about it :

Melania: her healing "even through blocks", and waterfowl dance made this fight super insufferable and is one of the only 3 times I used a summon to get it over with a fight because it was borderline not fun after sometime. and even tho technically waterfowl dance is "dodgeable" the amount of effort , time and luck needed to do it make this very unreliable and not really viable, also having only one very specific way to dodge any attack in any boss fight, especially very punishing ones, is very poor design.

mohg, while a really good fight otherwise, his nihil move is just the funniest and most unfair shit I have ever seen implemented in a boss fight, here just lose your entire health bar and then some with 0 ways to avoid this damage and also the boss will heal most of his HP WHILE FORCING YOU TO CHEW THROUGH 3 OR MORE FLASKS.

and a couple more like those in the game, but there is more to talk about regarding the game boss designs.

some of those bosses are super fast it feels like we got teleported to sekiro randomly, some bosses also have extremely long combos that force you to dodge forever with very little openings to attack and stamina too.

bosses would also randomly just add an extra move to their combo that you have seen a million times end on 4 hits for instanc, but this time it is 5 and only this time because fuck you as a player.

bosses reading your input and insta throwing shit at you once you heal is retarded.

Rykard has to be one of the worst gimmick bosses in from games with its aoe spam just to get you to do something on the fight that otherwise is very dull. renalla and radahn were okay tho.
and finally elden beast has to be the worst final boss in any video game I have played , yes even worse than DS2 because it ruins 2 boss fights at once not just one.

there is a ton of small things like this all over the game and in the bosses that individually wouldn't be an issue or not an issue enough to make some parts of the experience feel sour , but they happen a lot and sometimes even you would face multiple of those frustrating things at once which is obviously worse. and given that most of the frustrating things happen towards the end of the game the sourness is very fresh for me and would be for anyone which probably leaves them feeling worse about the game quality than they should.

I generally don't care about replayabilty of any game because I don't think I have ever replayed a game, but this game feels like it would feel much worse on repeats , because you would ignore a lot of the exploration aspects because you already know what is there and whether it is worth the time or not which is a huge part of why this game was very fun in the first place, and also probably this would lead you to be under leveled for bosses which would probably make some of their issues even more pronounced.
also the game is tooooo long tbh.

all and all , I mostly enjoyed elden ring, I would love to see a follow-up but only if it is going to fix those issues with bosses or make adjustments to the combat to allow for having those changes in boss design, also it would need a lot more boss variety than what elden ring had.

it's sekiro but here is the twist , the combat is not as good

this is legit some of the most fun I have had in a video game

Easily one of the best , most enjoyable and most unique experience I have ever had playing a video game and it is the first and probably will be the last game that made me care about getting high score or get good-ish at the game, it does everything and every detail on the gameplay side almost perfect and very few games can claim that.