The only game my mum can complete and I can't.

Genuinely adore this game. Have it on Steam Deck for rapid bubble action on the go.

Hey! This isn't even my jurisdiction!

If I were the Doomguy I'd probably have shot myself in the hangar the year prior.

I can't do it. The Casalis have broken me.

Crack crack crack controller off my skull

It is actually pretty decent to be fair

This, its sequel and Silent Hill are like the Seinfeld and Friends of survival horror - anything after them has improved upon their original idea tenfold, making them look even more dated by comparison.

I've done a 120 run on every platform I own this game on, and it never gets old.

The whole future aesthetic is very cool, but I can't get past the awkward controls.

They need to bring back the villager interactions from this. I love how sarcastic they can be here!

Never finished this as a kid because it was just too annoying to play.

This was the first time in my young life where I saw two women getting intimate and I thought "yeah, that's kind of cool I guess". Brilliant game, genuinely quite scary at times too.

So influential, with a dreary grey and blue atmosphere that 100% befits Liberty City. Not great to play now, in my opinion.