One of those games there was a big panic over, but nowadays looks tame compared to what we've seen since.

I want to love Einhander, to the point I've added it to the library of every device I own capable of playing PS1 games; but there's something that I can't quite describe that prevents me from doing so.

Good licensed game, could never beat it when I was younger but having gone back and finished it since I quite like it.

I'd love to see Rayman come back properly and not as DLC for a Rabbids spin-off.

An absolute classic and one I'm looking forward to revisiting shortly.

Never liked Adventure as a kid, because I played the Windows port and Heroes just seemed better.

With various patches, QoL mods and graphical enhancements I actually prefer Adventure to its sequel.

Despite the dated pop culture references and first dungeon that makes me wish for a nuclear winter, Fallout 2 is great. I do prefer the more sombre, serious tone of the first game, but this one expands and improves in so many ways.

My friend insists on 100% running this every time she plays it. I'm honestly just here for the soundtrack.

Thief's adoption of darkness as cover probably helped Splinter Cell come along a little faster. The Dark Engine is such a cool bit of technology, with a lot of great bells and whistles for 1998.

The sole reason I want an Assassin's Creed set in feudal Japan.

Eerie, grimly realistic and tense to the point of vocal outbursts, Rainbow Six's tactical approach to planning a mission before executing it lends to a really interesting trial and error concept, helped along by the feeling of sheer joy when a mission goes perfectly.

That said, I would find whoever came up with the stealth missions and have them arrested. PS1 port was my first experience with it and the first level in the embassy is burned into my mind.

My mum's OTHER favourite game. Love this to bits.

I've been playing this for the first time recently, because BotW was always like Skyrim to me - something I felt I should play, but could never be bothered with. I'd start it, get into the open world, then get a bit bored.

While I'm still not anywhere near finished, I do enjoy it. The freedom of approach is nice, but the degradation system does my head in.