I knew American English had different spelling but to fuck up "Philosopher" this much is crazy

Love this, played the sequel first and felt I should see the original.

Gorgeous art, good gameplay and a fantastic score, but my own personal flaw of "gets bored halfway through a Castlevania game" prevents me from finishing it.

Leave cave - attacked by rats. Enter world - attacked by everything else.

Such is life as a Gamer.

I loved GoldenEye as a kid, but trying to play it now with its funny controls and erratic framerate isn't how I want to remember the game.

Will never understand why we called it Lylat Wars here, because StarFox is such a cooler name.

Better than the original in every way - but why do I find the first game far more memorable to just sit down and think about?

I don't know if there's a listing for the GZDoom port of this, but that's what I played it on. The art is so unique and a great translation of the original games' sprites.

I think this was the first major mis-step that ID made. Played the PS1 version growing up and thought gibbing was cool, but nowadays I have the RTX version on PC just to trigger my monkey brain with pretty reflections.

Void of the janky charm and absurdity present in the sequel, Postal is an artifact of the 90s that we don't often see anymore. Notably, when a company tries to make a modern Postal, it goes downhill quickly. See Hatred for examples.

Worth it for Redial entirely.

Edit: ah shit wrong game

Grand Theft Auto is a top-down... thing. It's a driving game. A shooter. An early open world title. It sparked the beginning of a global phenomenon and helped raise what was once considered one of the greatest development studios in the world to prominence.

It's also crap. It's crap now and I can almost guarantee it was probably considered crap in '97, but I was but a wee lad in 1997 and was more concerned with trivial matters like being fed from a bottle and having my bottom cleaned - which is how I intend to go out in 2097, by the way.

GTA takes place across three cities: Liberty City, Vice City, and San Andreas. If all of these sound familiar it's because they were done extremely well in 3D and do not work in a 2D environment. Repetitive missions, nightmarish cutscenes and an often confusing map layout lead to not a whole lot of fun. GTA is a curiosity. DMA Design used the British press so well to generate controversy and sales for a game that, to a modern audience, seems remarkably tame. The gore is cartoonish, the existence of a dedicated fart button is wild, and the driving... the driving is dogshit. The gameplay itself is actually insufferable.

Get me outta here. How about they do a game set in London in 1969 next?

Fun, if repetitive, arcade smasher.

The first game I remember a family member becoming visibly angry with.

Can be fun, but becomes a little tedious towards the end of the game.