It’s like inFamous for kinds ( it made me feel like one) with a lot of heart

After you assume that this is no Dark Souls and the story will have a lot of Star Wars goofiness, you start to have a nice time exploring and engaging in combat

Monkey goes brrrrrrr
Also you can play as Kiryu and that a funny addition to an already super fun game.

Short and overall great souls like.
The art direction is gorgeous.

Más tiempo con los protagonistas de P5 se siente innecesario pero bienvenido, es un gran fan service, un buen aterrizaje al sistema de combate para adaptarlo a un SMT y llenarlo con sus demonios. Pero sobretodo una gran guía de turistas, de ir a Japón las ciudades que visitan parecen ser un obligado.

De una forma u otra siempre vuelvo al Isaac, acabo perdiendo días en él pero no dejo de pensar que ya han añadido tantos ítems, tantas rutas que necesitaría detener mi vida para poder siquiera pensar en sacar todo. Es una gran experiencia y el tragahoras por excelencia.

It’s a super great game. The sound track is brutal and I’m very grateful that the characters don’t try to be nearly as their MCU counterparts. Every companion feel a great addition to the team whether for their personalities, their small part on the story, their design and even at the gameplay, the coop actions are the name of the game and I want more more of it for other super hero teams.

(Zero to hero rocks at the gym)

It’s like doing drugs, you always want one more and constantly come back for more. It’s a very cool game and every character feels unique but overdo it, neither drugs or this game.
(I don’t do drugs just know people that do)

It’s like playing modded rooms of old sonic games but being official that’s rad

De momentos es una película serie B de aventuras y simplemente está bien. Hace lo posible para entregar un espectáculo y se pueden sentir las semillas de lo que en un futuro sería TLOU

More Spider-Man but shorter (as a great thing) feels fresh lo explore this new origin story of Miles and it’s the right interquel.

Si fluyera mejor y funcionara como un juego moderno sería cien veces mejor, sin embargo aquí estamos con un SoTN que se siente pesado y obtuso en su último tramo, pero tiene muchísimo corazón.


A walking simulator with a good-damn cute cat, they almost forgot to built a game but is a nice and simple game that makes you smile

When you end up exploring and spend the time preparing for a exciting battle that never comes it’s time to stop.
The gatcha thing don’t make it for me and the combat is kinda clunky

DMC with a lot of feelings, boss focused and great music.

(I don’t use it’s music at the gym, yet)