did it to apreciate the remake
i finally understand why people love this game
if only it wasnt so grindy and janky id be my favorite rpg or favorite game ever

glad its getting the remake

pretty funny translation. its Puyo puyo but without the counter mechanic

Kirby is such a fucking asshole in this game

fun artstyle, simple puzzle game and fun dialogue

really the biggest comeback for street fighter since SF4
really damn fun Fighting game even for a beginner like me. The world tour mode is the Single player content Fighting games needed that wasnt Visual Novel reading or Arcade/Survival modes. It teaching the player how to play the game and basic fundamentals makes it double as a great learning tool for those who want the learning material in the game. The Story in world tour is a bit lacking but serviceable. the dialogue from the world warriors and new characters makes this cast have so much personality that not any previous street fighter had

A Blast of the past as some say. Fucking amazing game (with some nitpicks on the side)
the Movement and physics are so fun to play with, i got lost multiple times while playing and couldnt stop cause of how fluid the game feels. I think this is better than Mario 64 in the movement and moveset department. a Moveset so good that i could clear parts that i usually couldnt without a certain move, but i could cause i was so persisten.
Very light on story, hell i didnt even know it has a proper story i was just playing the game.
the only 2 nitpicks i have are that i got lost very Very easily, i know a map was added in a recent update and while that helped a lot, i think a Mini-Map and location marker for the map couldve gone a long way.
Sybil is a cool character design and i want to SEX!

Get this game if your reading this and havent bought it. Its more than worth your time and Underpriced imo

story good
gameplay aged like milk

i couldnt push through this one man its such a nothing game

my favorite pikmin game so far. so Many QOL changes, and expanding on what worked in pikmin 1. the story was pretty neat, especially for a series that hasnt had much story for the past 2 pikmin games

its pikmin 2 but way fucking better
second favorite game
it got a bit easy but still a blast to play and since it was so fun i 100% it

its like a improvement of everything that PM64 layed the groundwork for. Its what i believe to be the most unique plot to a Mario game that still manages to feel like mario but still be unique.

the greatest RPG and dare i say my favorite game of all time

- The story is still a Timeless and impactful gut Rencher about the themes of death and not only facing it straight on, but also accepting it.
- Combat now being fully controlled, having baton pass from Persona 5, with the addition of the thurgey system and Personalities for each Party member, it truly feels great to use and to master
-All S.Links pacing being ajusted to fit better with the character arc they have is a great change. Them being Voiced by really good VAs that fit the characters well, and adds bigger impact to certain social links is a HUGE plus
-Tartarus is still has random floors but its scenery is different per block and the generation is different for every block aswell. making all of them way interesting solo.
-Being able to hang out with party members was a really great addition. it makes you more invested into these characters and their lives.
-presentation is gorgeus, the UI being themed around water and the moon are really cool and subtle forshadowing for the endgame.

i ended this game with a Messed up face. crying like a baby. if i end up replaying this game, ill probably end up the same way