Games that have trended in 2024...

...For both good and bad reasons
Suggestions are welcome in case I missed any!

Contrary to what a lot of people negatively expected from a Publishing company lead by Dunkey, whose somewhat satiric opinions are taken waaaaaay too seriously most of the time instead of just a grain of salt, the first game he published is actually very fucking good! Who would have thought, huh!
Don't let the discourse for this game distract you from the fact that apparently physical editions also need an internet connection to install them. Remember folks, if Ubisoft says we shouldn't be with owning their games, we shouldnt be comfortable with paying for them!

But while we are at it... Yes, Yasuke was a Samurai
I am extremely picky when it comes to Roguelikes, I haven't even played this one myself, but it seems to be knocking everyone's socks off
I know it dropped on the last couple of days of 2023, but it wasnt until early January when it was blessed by being picked by Big Youtubers while being priced at 1,20$, this game got its very significant time in the spotlight and now everyone is eager to see where the dev goes next

UPDATE: I learned about the game getting a Steam Release so we can now consider this game a 2024 one as well lol
Shoutouts to the devs for making the game free on day 1 for a game that just like Lethal Company, is a factory of funny clips to watch online
It's not even out, but I already get the feeling that when it releases it will take the world by storm with all the good press it's getting already, so much so, that I might play the first one since it's on PS+ before considering this DD2, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised?

POST LAUNCH NOTE: oh no bro (in the best impression of Muscle Man from Regular Show you can make)
It's not even out, and it already trended because of a 3 minute trailer, that's how massive the grasp of Elden Ring is in the gaming community
Don't let yourself be fooled by vocal purists of Old Final Fantasy Games or just the original FFVII, the amount of people, myself included, that have waited for this one (and will wait for the Trilogy finale) makes me glad that there are still FF fans that allow themselves to have fun just as a treat every now and then

if I had to add anything else, see what I said about P3 Reload
I speak for myself when I said this is the most surprising game to list here, I only knew of a few people that had eyes on it, and I genuinely thought it was going to struggle given it was going to drop between two big franchises (Like a Dragon and Persona) getting new mainline games
How could I've forgotten to initially include it here, got shadowdropped at the beginning of May and it was already knocking everyone's socks off for being well, more Hades, what's not to love?
At the time of making this note, Helldivers 2 went through a very rough couple of days for a decision Sony wanted to make that didnt need to even be brought to the table in the first place. Thankfully, they forgot they fostered a community based around the fact that they are playing a game that's built on collective efforts, and the decision was undone. Now only time will tell how long will it take for the reputation of the game to be fixed
Before releasing, my only knowledge of Helldivers 2 was a trailer they showed at TGA where they had "players" on a scripted Voice chat and oh my god that was just not good, but I cant find that trailer anywhere and I'm starting to think I imagined it

Anyways, HD2 has shown me (and probably the entire world) something I thought impossible: that not all Multiplayer games coming out on recent years fucking suck
New mainline game for a franchise that has had a meteoric rise of popularity in the west in recent years, it was a matter of time
Discourse for this game managed to make the internet, and specially social media more insufferable than it already was
For 1 person that is bitter about remakes seemingly taking over the Gaming industry (they aren't), there are 10 more excited to play an improved version of a game they already liked a lot
A game that proved the world that Ubisoft could still care about making good games if they wanted to, they just choose to give more attention to slop like Skull and Bones
If only I could find myself listing this game for actually good reasons, and while there are good reasons indeed like the singleplayer campaign being as good as ever, there's no reason why the multiplayer got released in such a deplorable state, specially after Aspyr dropped the Tomb Raider remasters and did well with them. But I guess the temptation of "release it now, fix it later" wins once again
If you managed to escape the collective hysteria that people had over this game for having hot women on it, apparently you were able to find a solid action game, but if you weren't able to, I hope you had a nice laugh that post with people dropping short videos complaining about how it was censored or something like that. The internet is stupid
While I'm not a big FGC guy myself, the most common praise I've seen for Tekken 8 is "It's Tekken 7 with a meaningful budget" and I think that has told me everything I needed to know


Update that Helldivers note brother

1 month ago

@The_Gaming_Dog12 true that, I really should

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