I get why people who are super into planning their routes and stuff through Mega Man games might not like X8 but it's going for something different than it's predecessors. Take the game for what it is and you'll find a genuinely great game with a lot to appreciate. I'm serious, this game is actually pretty awesome and is full of cool stuff. There were so many times I went "wow, what a smart idea," or "what a challenging section," or "this game is fucking cool!" X8 is different from the previous games but in a good way! I really enjoyed my time here and it's a damn shame that a title that tried so hard is stuck between the sticky tentacles of the previous two or three games. Go in with an open mind and you might find a new favorite.

What the flying fuck happened? I don't just mean that in reference to this game in particular, though that is also an interesting question. No, I'm moreso referring to the Mega Man X series in general. How the hell do you go from a perfectly solid, stable, and polished game to... this. No matter what you're real thoughts on Mega Man X4 are, I don't think that you can deny that it is a refined product that is worthy of it's namesake. X5 isn't quite as solid but it is still a fine game, at least in my opinion. And more importantly to this topic, it is a functioning video game that someone can enjoy within reasonable conditions.

Then, somehow, the next game immediately takes a nosedive into the toilet, down the pipes, and into the sewer. I won't go on about X6 because, well, it is still clearly in the same lines as the previous games. It's bad, don't get me wrong, but it seems like a fluke that happened due to poor management and rushed development. The core of the experience isn't completely terrible, it still shares the same base mechanics and appeal from the previous games. A really dedicated fan could find enjoyment in it.

Then, somehow, they made a game completely devoid of anything that made the original X games good. Mega Man X7 doesn't feel like a real game, it's like some made-up fakey fake joke that was made to implant the words "Burn To The Ground!" into your brain. I'm serious when I saw that this is probably one of the worst games of the century and I have no qualms saying so. I struggle to even call this a game! It's like an anti-game, like it isn't supposed to function. This is an action platformer where you don't have to platform and you can just walk past the enemies. This isn't a game! You can literally walk past all of the fucking enemies! You know how defeated enemies in Mario 64 will drop coins, thus encouraging you to fight them? This game doesn't do that! It doesn't do anything to make you want to fight enemies.

The levels in this game feel like they just took a level from a 2D Mega Man game and plopped it into 3D. That means you can literally walk past everything! Saying even that is way too generous because there is not a single thing in X7 that comes close to its predecessors. You know how platform games have you platform on things? Like, you are asked to overcome obstacles in the stage to proceed? This game doesn't have that, it DOESN'T HAVE THAT! It is a game of walking forward and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. There is nothing, not a single thing at all X7 does well outside of maybe an alright soundtrack. What is there to enjoy about this game?????

I was planning on writing a funny review where I like make allusions to classic literature and make some profound statement on video games or whatever, but then I played the game and realized that would be literally impossible because there's no material for that in the game itself. The reason a game like this pisses me off so much is that there is no excuse for it to be garbage since there was six previous titles to pull from. X8 better be a fucking gift from god because I have no idea how any series could ever, EVER bounce back from this. And no, I'm not finishing the game and probably never will. Jesus Christ, why is this game so terrible?

It's been forever since I've played most of the X games and I've hardly touched the PS2 ones so I decided to play through the whole series. The whole experience has been very interesting, X1, X2, and X4 are some of my favorite games but having hardly played the others it was fascinating to see where the series went. It's just... I haven't yet internalized the fact that I'm playing the next game...

you know maybe I should call this off actually I'm getting a little exhausted. like maybe I should go on vacation or something or see a doctor or something just spitballing. I mean maybe my PS2 isn't working so I can't play it I mean I could always not play the game you know that sounds nice I mean like I can try alcohol that seems like fun maybe

Huge round of applause to everyone responsible for this hack! Gaming communities are such a blessing, I'm so happy that people are willing to go out of their way to do something like this. It's Cool!

"In conflict, you must rip your opponent a new asshole in his consciousness. Soon, his mind will become open to all truths. All hole, no ass."

- Zero, 21XX

That ending reminded me of my uncle's wedding video...

they were divorced three weeks later

Okay... what the fuck is this? Basically Tecmo saw it necessary to remake Dead or Alive 2, which is a game that could already pass for a 6th generation release, with the graphics engine of a newer game. But, like, this isn't even really a remake. There was a cutscene they tried to redo but the stage it was in is completely different from the original. It's just so odd. This doesn't feel much like DOA2 at all. The character roster is the same I think, but everything else is basically a new game. As a game on it's own, this is pretty great. I just really wish they'd label it as something else. I'm guessing this was mainly made for the online component, so it should've been called "Dead or Alive Online" or something, because as-is this is pretty misleading. All it really does is turn off players who don't usually like remakes.

Also that new opening made me laugh out loud. Whoever decided to play the Dream On song over a melodramatic scene of anime lolis deserves a serious raise.

It's worth going through the trouble of setting it all up if that says anything. The Intercept move is difficult to use properly if you're super used to the base game or Black, but once you get a hang of it the pace of combat changes completely. It makes Ninja Gaiden into an entirely different game so I see why it was cut. For a fan of the original game it makes for a really interesting way to play it, I highly recommend checking this out if possible.

God shed a single tear when he laid eyes on this game. I can't even think of how proud everyone involved with this production must be of their work, this is one of the most beautiful games ever made.

Also set your system to 480p if you're playing on PS3, the game is way too clean in higher resolutions. Don't play the PS4 remake, it's the epitome of bastardized "shiny graphexxxxxx" remakes that lack the heart and soul of the original, not to mention any integrity. It's a shame I have to give an asterisk to games like this that can't be bothered to be properly preserved in remakes by just including the original untouched but there's no changing it now. Oh well. Anyways, play video game!

Lots of fun. I personally prefer Dead or Alive but I can see why some swear by Virtua Fighter 2.

In its attempts to combine the lengthy story and battle system of Final Fantasy VII with the fully real-time movement and exploration of Super Mario 64, Kingdom Hearts is a slam dunk. Everything from the subtleties in Sora's movement to the smooth integration of context-sensitive actions in the game world is handled with a level of care and precision that you wouldn't expect from a game that's seemingly being pulled in so many different directions. It's not necessarily the best at the many things it attempts, even at release, but it's admirable just how cohesive the entire package feels. Kingdom Hearts has a lot of meat on its bones, and it feels pretty evenly-spread across the whole game.

In much the same way that its gameplay derivatives form something greater than the sum of their parts, the story utilizes its oddball premise and several disparate IPs to create an unforgettable atmosphere and tone. The nostalgic whimsy combined with somber melancholy and an abstract presentation lend the game a distinct, bittersweet feel. If you played this game at the right time in your life, you know what I felt.

Kingdom Hearts II is an outstanding action game and a great sequel, but outside of that I feel completely indifferent towards all the sequels and spin-off games. Putting aside the fact that I think a couple of them are just straight up bad, they generally just don't understand what made the series special in the first place. Somewhere in its quest to become... whatever the hell it is now, it lost much of its identity in the first place. I won't hammer on about this since there are people who enjoy these other games, but frankly they are the furthest thing from what Kingdom Hearts represents to me and their existence cheapens the original game.

So, ahem, this is when I give a whole-hearted recommendation to this game and say that it's great and awesome and super fun and unique and every other positive descriptor. If you'll forgive me for going for such low-hanging fruit, this game has a whole lot of heart.

Some punk, some SOULLESS DEGENERATE changed the previous listing of this game to the Arcade version. Makes sense but I'm gonna bitch anyway!

Video Game Magic. Never before have I connected with others on a genuine, human level in a video game before. I made friends playing a video game! I'm sure there's more complex games like this out there, but I don't think anything will ever beat the purity of meeting friends and venturing into the unknown, battling dangerous monsters and exploring mysterious places. When that beautiful utopia was washed over by a seemingly insurmountable evil, then overpowered it through sheer determination with my friends by my side, I realized what video game are truly capable of. Then, settling down with one of the most beautiful songs I've heard in years, I begin to reflect on the fact that I'll never experience this again. If you're at all interested, give this game a shot. The community would love to play with you!

It's infectious blend of surrealism with that melodic yet oddly sentimental music that makes this game a masterpiece. The simple welcoming message to the so-called "Phantasy Zone" is all you need to become aquatinted in Space Harrier's atmosphere, where it then brings you to the edges of what is even interpretable in a game without you even realizing it. It's one of few games where the main motivation to keep playing is that you don't want to be reminded that it ends.

I was pleasantly surprised by this game! The first Sonic Rush really didn't do all that much for me, so this one kinda blew me away. The level design is honestly pretty great all around, the soundtrack is underappreciated, and the atmosphere was refreshing. All the padding and extra junk is dumb but I'd be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy the game because of it. Sonic Rush Adventure is a bit of a guilty pleasure due to all of the weird extraneous elements, but deep in here I believe there to be a very solid game. Maybe I only enjoyed it so much after getting exhausted on the first game, I dunno. If you similarly got tired of the original Sonic Rush, give the sequel a shot.

Blaze is also the coolest character.