Even with extreme changes to the artstyle notwithstanding, it's very funny that the one major change to the content Bluepoint made was "what if we scattered a bunch of Open World Collectible Coins™ everywhere and if you get them all there's a cool sword" lmao

It'd be cool if we just finally got a version of the original game that runs at 60fps without the graphical overhaul

Everyone on this website: extensively meddling with/remaking the graphics and gameplay of classic games ruins the original artistic vision and is tantamount to a war crime

Everyone on this website with this game: Fuck you Nintendo why didn't you hire this man who dropped Mario's model into a default UE4 environment and cranked the bloom to 200%

A hilarious work of love and passion, just a complete blast to goof around with friends in, discovering all of the absolutely wacky shit they put in here.

Some of the best exploration I've seen in a game, the spirit of discovery is so alive in this. The quantum stuff is such a simple trick but is also utilized so effectively that it manages to create both unsettling scares and moments of wonder. The ending at times inspired the same sort of awe that 2001 did in me. Definitely a must play of the modern indie era.

Yeah I would not have been able to do this shit without the Konami code lol

Completely shameless and soulless

Had to abuse save states like a baby but damn this game actually kinda rules. Still absolute BS in terms of difficulty though

idk what everyone finds so hard to understand with this game basically the theme is "don't be talking shit on the internet"

(real review to come lol, not finished yet)

My favorite steam review of all time is of this game and I am going to present it below in full:

we all knew the sky was really big...

but did you know it was THIS BIG??? (793 MB)

Completed on the Castlevania Advance collection with liberal use of the rewind feature.

Yeah this is just extremely mid Castlevania. Not much more to say really. Would really like to play Rondo of Blood and compare at some point.

TIL that this is the only Metroidvania-style Castlevania game that Koji Igarashi had no involvement in. Makes sense seeing as it's not great!

There is some charm in the music here but this game essentially feels like they've combined the very intentionally stiff, committal movement of "Classicvania" with the level and enemy design of the more Metroid styled entries and it leads to very cheap, frustrating results. Feels like a slog to play and I can't believe how easy it is to end up underleveled despite defeating every single enemy in your path on your way to every location. The DSS system is also confusing, horribly balanced, and functionally useless as the drop rates are so low you'll likely only see 10% of what it has to offer anyway. Yeeeesh.

I think it's finally time to just admit to myself that I don't like Dr. Mario. I simply think it is not a very fun puzzle game/block game and doesn't hold a candle to the big 3 (Puyo Puyo, Tetris, Panel De Pon). Sorry Doc!

There are just one too few options in this to make it as good as Aces, but man, it's great to see how much Camelot nailed on the first try here. Played some doubles online with friends and we might as well have been playing in an actual tennis tournament for how much pressure it felt like we were under. A real winning formula.

That this is in the same genre as Streets of Rage feels like it should be illegal

On a moment to moment level I probably enjoyed this more than any Sonic game I've ever played and yet at the same time it kind of goes in one ear and out the other. Already nothing about it really sticks with me and I literally just beat it 5 minutes ago. So what I'm saying is as much as this is the better game that damn hedgehog still has something over on my buddy Ristar here in terms of sheer personality and cool factor, so it's easy to see why when deciding who would be the mascot of the Genesis they went for the blue blur. Still think it's worth checking out if you like 2D platformers!