Still the only Halo I've finished. It's... not very good???

Some occasionally clunky writing and VO (game also crashed on me twice which was a shame) , but this is otherwise a pretty great experience! I love it whenever developers experiment with unique methods of control and this manages to really flesh out its blink mechanic. This medium is capable of so many things and it doesn't have to be limited to mouse and keyboard/face buttons and analog sticks. The way the mechanic is used for art, visualizing a shifting concept in your "mind's eye" and blinking to "lock it in" was particularly inventive. It might be a bit of a cheap shot/manipulative narratively but the execution was good enough to the point where I was still emotional at points despite that. More stuff like this!

2-1 is mostly fluff and forgettable, 2-2 is pretty good, 2-3 is bad, and 2-4 is fantastic. A step down from the first, but the high (2-4) is higher than the first game ever got. Franziska Von Karma is a very annoying new character, the whip gimmick gets old quickly, and I think she's just not as fun to go up against as Edgeworth, which makes his late game return a welcome one. Pearl is a much more likable and funny addition to the series.

As for gameplay, I felt this game had more frustrating moments than the first, both in terms of pacing and in how unravelling the cases seemed overall less logical than the first. A lot of moments where you have to present a specific piece of evidence where another one should have led down the same line of thinking, or the game wants something out of you that isn't very clear. Overall, I had fun, but it could definitely be tedious in parts.

A deeply mediocre game that I play every day

Why did a DS version of this even exist

I cannot believe they somehow made this run WORSE than the base game

The controlling a character and having to take into account who you're playing as while also figuring out what to do in the microgame is actually a genius idea on paper, but in execution I think they really needed to design the microgames more around this concept and they didn't really. That said still pretty charming and the Penny song rules, hope they take the idea of how that music is implemented into future games

One of the best DLC expansions I've played

Required reading. Video Game Canon. The GOAT.

Complete and utter mess but the highs are so high. Can't really hate it