skyzones and undergroudn are fuckign filler bullshit and the map isn't as cool to run around in... Shrines and dungeons are mildly better but building stuff just isn't very interesting.. and they gave sidon a wife even though he made a statue of link riding him as the town monument..

Very fun to run around in and combine stuff to see how it interacts. Actual dungeons and shrines are dogshit and most of the enjoyment was from running around aimlessly and taking in the atmosphere, and from staring at sidon...

dialogue feels like anime but it's okay cuz the gameplay and chars are very cool

most of the moons are a waste of time. the sub areas and the ones behind platform challenges are passable but still so limited and uninteresting compared to other 3d mario games. Sucks cuz it has well designed fast paced movement but you'll rarely ever use it.. jump cap throw dive cap throw dive just isn't very compelling for the whole fucking game


All the characters are so incredibly cool looking, the voice acting is incredible I'm hanging on even the empty filler dialogue in the game, power rush filled gaemplay it's so good..

Literally might be the perfect game. Moving around the bigass map feels good, attacking the enemies can help you move around too. Bosses all have incredible music and most have opportunites to damage during their attack its so good. The adrenaline from the fights contrasting with the desolation and solitude of everywhere else is so incredible..

i hate my teammatates kill youself you feeders

almost a compelling story but it falls short from the self-insert barista, little choice or variation, and just not many interesting coffee facts...

gamelay bad but story was so good


good music and figure skating was so cool