what a delightful game! a beautiful crafted love letter for the people of new caledonia. while this game repeats the same problems that plague open world games (albeit they thankfully scaled this game much smaller scale so its not too bad), the story and characters what what truly shines. if you have a spare 10 hours, please give this game a try!


Cute and fun lil puzzle game that had me stump many instances that I rather watch it than play. Still, give it a shot whenever you can!


I cried so hard I got a wicked headache

I like to make my silly lil treats for customers :3

Your game can be the prettiest technical showcase in the world but it doesn’t matter if the story is complete shit AND if theres no run button to explore this mind numbing station. I rather play Firewatch for the 20th time than give this game another second of my time

Isn’t it crazy to anyone else that most of the best games so far this year has been remakes?

Anyway, another solid remake under Capcoms belt. While its not revolutionary as it’s predecessor, I might honestly recommend this game before recommending the original to new players. Some of the 2000s cheesiness has been last to time, Leon can come up with some witty one liners that can have you grinning.

Also - Ada’s voice actress isn’t that bad. If anything, I blame the directors for not doing their job correctly!

Video games are so back baby

What a delightful surprise from team reptile, they perfectly encapsulated the nostalgia of the 2000s and street fashion itself. The skating, music and graffiti were the most satisfying elements that blended the best game this year has ever seen.

Unfortunately, it loses one star because not every thing we love is perfect - who ever decided that Pyramid City should be implemented needs to on god be shamed for the rest of their lives, and we could’ve honestly let the combat go entirely (except when the skating works into the boss fights, thats the most fun).

its crazy how this is one of the best batman stories and we might never get to see this universe ever again

telltale dares ask the question, "what if batman was a bit more of a cunt?" and i loved it

i only played this so i can play as jason and have a power girl skin for supergirl so lol

what a delightful surprise! its never too early to play a horror game (everyday is October for me), the atmosphere is what got me the most. claustrophobic and exhilarating; my main issue was when you reach about hour 3, the monster becomes less scary and more of an nuisance than a terrifying force. but other than that, i had a wonderful time with it!

I cant hid it anymore…baseball makes me smile

me and a friend had so much fun until like 3/4 the way through it kept launching him into space and soft locking us from continuing, we decided to give it up to god

a saw game taking place in the 1950s AND it works with virtually no problems other than occasional sever hiccup?? its like red barrels specifically made this game with me in mind