Gods this was horrifically boring after a while. I love elements of the game, the hack and slash feels good and the gods are omnipresent as ever but after a while you understand if there could be anything more than the same enemies with just slightly different weapons and simple Prince of Persia climbing mechanics

to many people i'm likely a loser for giving up on the second to last chapter but...looking at the rest of the bosses i needed to get through, i rather just watch it at this point

From what I paid so far..I do get why people people like the FF7 games. The characters are charming, the found family aspect is touching and the environmental themes is a refreshing thing to see, especially with what is happening right now (which is also ironic that Square Enix contributing to the destruction of the planet at this very moment). I don't care for it nearly as much though, and I have no desire to play the original, but I will likely be following up with the story from the OG and the remake during my spare time

i really set this game up to fail by playing it after Tyranny. the writing is engaging but it can go on too long for certain parts i wonder if they even have an editor there at all. gameplay was just...uninspiring, theres no reason i shouldve been able to use level third priest spells nearly in the beginning of the game. fingers crossed i'm gonna like the second game a lot more than this

brianna lei you bitch you done did it again...you made me cry

arguably, this might be the best Obsidian game for me. on the writing side of things, it was fun, charming and impactful with the decisions you make; it fixes many of the problems i have with mainstream Obsidian games. the gameplay is your standard isometric RPG combat, but its clearly not the focus for this game. I'm glad I finally gave this game a try, you won't regret it if you do too!

i've tried many years to get into this game, and I can never just do it. the gameplay simply isn't for me, but it never stops to make me incredibly happy how unapologetic the devs are to keeping madelines transness in every facet of the game

full review: https://medium.com/@pr0thean/lets-talk-about-fallout-3-2008-1254b364e01b

TLTR: As I grow older, I realize my favorite games don't need to be the best written, the best graphically. Perhaps Fallout 3 isn’t the best in the series, but it’s my favorite. It strives to do what it wanted to do, to make a love letter to a series it grew up with also. It falls short at times, it tries many new and old things. It’s funny, lonely, depressing, broken, and at times, unremarkable. This game is a love letter to the series. It might not be special, but there would be no more Fallout games without it. It’s not the best Fallout, but I love it regardless. It’s my Fallout, and it might not be your favorite Fallout, but it’ll always be yours too.

this games ending is like being punched a million times and it just wont let you get up. it wraps up the story, the characters, and their struggles nicely, while leaving a sense they might explore this world again


the biggest let down of this year. puzzles are just boring and confusing, the atmosphere alone was unable to save this game

give this demo a try - it doesn't hesitate to wear its inspirations on its sleeve, creating something so intrinsically insane in presentation you cant help being drawn in (tho, the wall run needs a bit more work)

sorry to stardew but this lets you actually track the towns members so its automatically better

shuffles in..i think this is a fun cod clone! few players + it has a learning curve but i rlly do like it. i'll like play more and after it's out of early access


TLTR: Ultimately, I hesitate to recommend this game anyway. Writing is annoying, and embarrassing, with only one or two characters that have an authentic three-dimensional route it markets itself as. There are too many problems on the technical side, it’s just too hard to ignore. But, I do implore you to support the devs in any capacity. No matter how I feel about this game, the devs set out to make something different, and new, and for people who are in groups, who the gaming industry typically ignores. It’s admirable, and I will always sing praises to them for it. First games are always rough, and sometimes you can never get them right, but they deserve the support for trying something new and hopefully getting it right next time, once more of the episodes are released. In my interactions with this game, I will continue to support them as much as I can.

at the end, you always need to ask yourself, "who would be there to take care of the ghosts?" and realize you might be the one to do it for everyone

i know hp lovecraft is rolling in his grave over how this game is vastly better than anything he had ever written