at the end, you always need to ask yourself, "who would be there to take care of the ghosts?" and realize you might be the one to do it for everyone

i know hp lovecraft is rolling in his grave over how this game is vastly better than anything he had ever written

i'm glad disco elysium exists because games like this get to play with the foundation it created, and create something special out of it

my planet might be declining from the lack of people but at least we got a shit ton of food

improves on everything that made the og great and more, im glad i have the privilege to play this game

it makes me smile how sega just fucks a sonic game so bad even tho this series is like a gold mine

this game is honestly a pleasant surprise! i dont see myself playing anymore in the future, but i implore you to give it a shot yourself!

i've never expected this game to be so phenomenal. every problem you might have with narrative games is fixed with this game. its a wild ride, i cannot wait for the next book!!

its...fine? its a fine game, combat is unimpressive but the visuals are nice. i dont really see myself playing this ever again (also its pretty funny the microtranscations are free so i got to unlock everything by the third chapter LMAOOO)

im so grateful my save file manage to get saved so i didn't have to replay the whole game - its a cute lil platformer that deserve the love and praise it got. the last areas were unbelievably frustrating but that didn't really reduce my enjoyment of the game at all

maybe im a bit shallow, but what i liked about the og of dead space was how silent issac was while he was surrounded by the madness..i dont come to horror games to have a main character from a michael bay movie scream in my ear. i might pick this up later if i'm more in the mood for it

creative and aesthetically beautiful, wish more games were like this now

any game that lets me start a revolt is a good game in my book

short, sweet, nothing really special but its fun and makes you care about the characters, excited to see what else this studio does!

yall the best game of the year has finally been released