a story about a young woman exploring her families history, their passing, and hoping for her sons future. i was unable to stop crying for a few hours tbh

a really interesting take on the rougelike genre, the style does feel like its own thing, but i got bored around the second map, and the lack of lore surrounding the dead gods (apart from the splash art and items you pick up) kinda makes this not worth it to me. still, give this a shot if ure interested!

this game gets why i like working retail honestly

listen, i dont mind looking up quotes (i think thats kinda of an interesting game mechanic), and the voice acting isnt a turn off for me, its kinda charming in its own way. but the moment i saw the game grumps reference, i had to turn off the game (also the puzzles kinda just made the whole experience boring tbh)

what i like about this game series is how they don't hesitate to experiment with different game mechanics you don't typically in AAA horror games. the game leading you to explore Seb's trauma and someway try to address it felt..raw? if they ever decide to make a TEW3, I'm excited to see how they're gonna top this one

this might be the most perfect resident evil game ever

sometimes u just realize a game isn't for you, and thats ok !

the horrific nature which this fish chokes to death and no human tries to help u is how i feel about the controls tbh

this happened to my friend william

idk man, the same mission structures and unfunny dialogue of the movies just leaves a bad taste. maybe ill take the time to 100% this, but until then im just gonna buy the old games on the 360 and play those

theres something..cathartic about replaying this game after whats happening in Ukraine and many other countries. With the level of insanity in the three story lines, there's a level of honesty you really don't see in Rockstar games anymore (excluding RDR2 of course)

this game is so anti beginner friendly its not even funny - but i still enjoyed it. I think i'm gonna wait and save my money to get it on PC and play with some friends. I feel like it's the best way to engage the game honestly


what's most surprising to me is nearly aspect of this has aged fairly well, the only complaints I have is that the flying shuttle segments were unneeded. i wished we could've seen what came next, but i'm glad it laid a foundation that allowed Arkane to explore and create something unique

a fun re clone you can lose several hours to, the last few bosses made me want to tear my hair out though

a more spiritual enlightenment than anything the Catholic Church can offer