Very fun Mega Man type platformer with a character who has a sick moveset that's satisfying to mess around with, and cool stages paired with bosses that are thrilling to fight. It falls apart some in the finale stages, but most Mega Man games tend to anyway. The characters are peak robot design, I love how all of the circuits look like toku characters, but the regular bots are all pretty cute and have some solidly engaging writing.

RATING: Fantastic

I can see why people love this one so much. The levels, for the most part, are pretty interestingly designed with plenty of routes to take to get where you need to be, and the game gives you a lot of useful options for dealing with enemies. All the levels are full of environmental details that flesh out the world, and the dialogue sequences are all quite nice, from simply chatting with strangers on the street to confronting corrupt special interests with your own nerves of steel. There's a lot of character and care in this janky old game.


A solid little search action/STG hybrid with a neat 1-bit aesthetic. Normal mode is pretty reasonable to clear with 100% even for newcomers to STGs, but hard mode certainly lives up to the name. There's also a bonus campaign that's pretty interesting.


A short but neat atmospheric experience, got a 70K run on my second attempt. Might come back when multiplayer gets added, depending how it's handled, but the atmosphere the game provides was worth the price.

RATING: Love and Hate

Game with some clear passion behind it, but VERY questionable design decisions. Someone tried with this game, and I don't think they landed, but I'm hoping they can pull off something better next time

Rating: Great

Excellent remake of a WiiWare classic that I used to play semi-religiously that makes it a little more accessible for people who are a bit crap at rhythm games (like myself). Full cleared the main mode, working on 100%ing the EP levels.

RATING: Love and Hate

It kind of feels like 3 steps forward and 5 steps back from the original Deus Ex. The upgrade system feels engaging and I like the stealth mechanics, but the health regeneration and excessive resource scarcity is kind of wack, and the world just isn't as interesting as the original. It's technically fine, but it just did not grab me like the original nor feel as satisfying to play

Started playing, but need to restart it, generally enjoyed my time

Not bad but kind of a step down from Stories

Pretty decent time, some annoying segments but overall still a good game

RATING: Fantastic

travis bell is my spirit animal


Puzzle mechanics were cool, but nothing really stuck with me