RATING: Love and Hate

Game with some clear passion behind it, but VERY questionable design decisions. Someone tried with this game, and I don't think they landed, but I'm hoping they can pull off something better next time

Started playing, but need to restart it, generally enjoyed my time

Not bad but kind of a step down from Stories

RATING: Love and Hate

It kind of feels like 3 steps forward and 5 steps back from the original Deus Ex. The upgrade system feels engaging and I like the stealth mechanics, but the health regeneration and excessive resource scarcity is kind of wack, and the world just isn't as interesting as the original. It's technically fine, but it just did not grab me like the original nor feel as satisfying to play

RATING: Fantastic

travis bell is my spirit animal


Puzzle mechanics were cool, but nothing really stuck with me


there are goblins, and you chop them. the goblins try to chop you, but you are better at chopping goblins than the chop goblins are at chopping you.


Very solid search action type game with some of the best wall kicking I have experienced


"We have Super Metroid at home"

I actually really respect this game for the sheer dedication towards making something based on the classics with this much care and attention, but its original inclusions are pretty questionably designed and make the game less fun. Story's serviceable at best, probably would've been better if they leaned into some vintage 80s toyline cheese instead of playing it mostly straight. Still, at least the game is pretty decently designed in spite of its shortcomings and is quite fun to explore around in

Pretty decent time, some annoying segments but overall still a good game

RATING: sweet baby rays these frame drops

Had some pretty severe technical and performance problems with this game, and even if I didn't this game still has some very annoying design and I did not enjoy it



It's just not compelling enough to keep my interest with its literal-and-intentional hostile design, and it never really got more interesting despite doing playing through the game's levels. Kinda feel like the game was advertised as more than it was

RATING: Love and Hate

Got pretty far in the game, but it just wasn't doing enough to hold my interest, which is a shame as I quite liked the original. It feels like it improves on the original, but the writing feels weaker and the challenges feel less engaging and more annoying.

RATING: Love and Hate

The shipbreaking mechanics are fun to interact with, but good lord this game needs a "Skip Cutscene" button because they feel pretty damn intrusive and aren't written well enough to be forgivable, please stop locking my controls for ten minutes at a time to lecture me about labor unions when I already think they're a good thing


I feel like this game is absolutely bloated with content and it's quite frankly overwhelming, and the game doesn't feel tightly designed and satisfying enough for me to want to see all that content