funny and unique game, really recommend it if you've never tried it.

I was all hyped up for this new Silent Hill game. Announced and dropped on the same day FOR FREE! But there's no Silent Hill in this at all. It's just some story about suicidal teenagers. I'm feeling kinda bummed that they didn't stick to the classic Silent Hill horror we were all craving. I tried to play through it but it just was so boring to click on random objects just to hear more chatter... Disappointment level: 💔.

The game boasts impressive graphics, a cool soundtrack and solid mechanics. However, the linear storytelling and stage based gameplay felt dull. The additional 15 euro DLC offering what seems like 1-2 hours of gameplay doesn't sound worth it. I might consider it only to 100% the achievements, but truth be told, I wouldn't recommend this game to my friends. A 2/5 seems fitting.

This is a neat, free hour-long game. I unexpectedly enjoyed the mechanics but doubt it'll linger in my memory. Solid 3.5/5 for a quick, pleasant diversion! 🐑🎮

I went in to give this game another try after playing 2 hrs when it first came out thinking its just a walking simulator but i was amazed by how wrong I was. Truly an underrated masterpiece.

huge nostalgia bomb, with cool new characters, pog music, and very impressive customization for characters. Mostly I love the ranked scene and how high the skill gap goes

Game was a delight!
First time playing in 4K at 144Hz
Jaw-dropping visuals, smooth gameplay, and attention to detail create a very immersive gaming atmosphere.
The narrative is gripping, while the characters add emotional depth that goes beyond the screen. The game's eerie and desolate vibe, reminiscent of STALKER, brings a nostalgic touch, yet it manages to inject a modern freshness that keeps the experience captivating.

This was genuinely a nice game to go through, the ending was fast cut off but in rest it was very good. Loved gathering collectibles and exploring the map

Outrageous graphics, a unique atmosphere, and an engaging story – I loved it

The amazing story caught me offguard


Short artsy game with amazing music. Pleasant experience overall

It was a very pleasant experience, very immersive for me.

GTA 4 – not a top pick in the series for me. The bad optimization was a real downer. It's like having a slick car with a dodgy engine, the potential is there, but the execution falls short, making the whole experience a bit lackluster. Loved the story and characters but it got boring at times.