Fallout: New Vegas, the proclaimed king of the Fallout universe, according to my friends. So, I dove in with mods, expecting a game-changing experience. Reality check: the game progression is slower than a radroach. Tried the OG, without any mods to get the feel, but it just made me miss the sprint from the other games even more.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a good story and choices that matter, but I can't shake off the feeling that I'm stuck in a Mojave Desert of monotony. The graphics are too bland and rusty. The lack of a sprint button is like walking through molasses, and my patience is starting to wear thin.
Maybe I'm not seeing the promised land yet, but the journey feels more like a slow crawl through irradiated mud. Friends still swear by it, but right now, the hype is like a mirage in the distance, keeps teasing but not delivering any of the excitement I expected. Gonna give it a few more tries in the future, but for now, the New Vegas vibe hasn't hit the jackpot for me. Fingers crossed for a future playthrough..

Skyrim, the game that turned me from a skeptic to an addict, I didnt like RPGs at all back then but still decided to give it a chance. Started on a crappy PC, barely hanging on at 800x600, but damn, that first dragon changed everything. I got immersed in the quests, spells, and yeah, even the modding chaos. Spent more time fixing mods than playing sometimes, but still, love it. Skyrim's like that rebellious friend you can't shake off – glitches, crashes, and all. A rollercoaster that keeps pulling me back for another round.

The much-awaited sequel to the series, stays true to its roots while bringing a fresh aesthetic for fans. The news got me emotional; the DMC series has been a huge part of my life, connecting me with family and our memories from 15 years ago when we used to play the old games over and over. It's more than just a game for me. I'm genuinely bonded to the universe. It's not just about playing; it's a heartfelt connection.

It's a very fun lil game. Experimenting with different builds was super fun. Finished everything, but it left me wanting more. Really wish they'd consider making a multiplayer version;


SOMA quickly became a favorite horror game for me. Went in thinking it's just your average spooky experience, but man, was I wrong. The story? Flawless. Surprisingly, no shooting, but that just made it even more intriguing. I fell in love with the characters, the eerie atmosphere, everything. It's not your typical jumpscare horror-game, it's more about that impending sense of doom and loneliness that keept me anxious consistently. That uniqueness, that's what hooked me and made SOMA unforgettable.

It is a must-play. Seriously, don't miss it!

Played this on PC, The gameplay was refreshing and unlike anything I'd tried before. It was impeccably crafted, with chiseled details and incredibly fluid mechanics that made it a joy to play. The game's overall design was top-notch, making it thoroughly enjoyable.

Update: Finished all DLCs and 100% all achievements, it was a delight 100% this game

Bloodborne, one of the first games I tried on the PS5, continued my journey into the Souls-like genre. It pleasantly surprised me with its high quality, featuring challenging gameplay, a captivating atmosphere, and a unique design that truly stood out. Greatly recommend it if you like souls-like!

Dark Souls 3 was my initiation into the Souls series, and I started off not knowing much about it. Heard it was for the hardcore, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well it synced with me. What I loved most was the challenge – the constant push to improve my skills, the thrill of killing bosses, and progressing through the game.

The community around Dark Souls 3 is fantastic, and the overall atmosphere is just phenomenal. It's a journey where the love for learning to play better is the driving force. Definitely a top-notch experience in my gaming book.


Back in 2014, when I was like 14, I stumbled on osu while jamming to Vocaloid tunes on YouTube. I had no clue it had multiplayer or rankings, I thought, "Why not try it out?" Found out there's this competitive side to it, and seeing my rank in my country got me all hyped to play like a pro. Spent hours daily climbing the leaderboard, meeting some top players, and creating awesome memories. Osu's got that chill vibe and a super-friendly community. Even hit the top 10 in my country for STD, but had to take a step back thanks to a lingering finger injury. Now, I'm just casually vibing with osu!mania.
STD - 6300pp
mania - ~1400pp
IGN: Almyt

Minecraft has been a big part of my life, spending thousands of hours with friends. It's a game I keep returning to for some relaxed fun times with my buddies, creating memories and just enjoying the vibe. The variety in Minecraft always keeps things interesting, whether we're building together or just goofing around.
Messing around with Minecraft modpacks has been pretty cool. Tried quite a few, each bringing a different vibe to the game. It's like a fresh take every time – some more techy, others more magical. Lost track of how many I've experimented with, but it keeps Minecraft interesting and adds a bit of variety.

Nier: Automata was a total surprise for me. I never knew much about the Nier series, and honestly, I was never interested. But this game's style was something else – the aesthetics and gameplay got me hooked. The community around it is fantastic, and it inspired me to up my game and git gud in order to play on very hard. And let's not forget, diving into those new game+ stories is a must for the full experience. Great music, great atmosphere, very nice gameplay 10/10

I was hyped for Cyberpunk 2077 since the trailer back in 2016, loving those cyberpunk vibes. The E3 reveal had me jaw-dropped one of the biggest pog moments in gaming history.

Sure, the release was shit, barely playable and all, but I pushed through for the awesome story. Knocked out all the side quests and now I'm eyeing those 100% achievements. Oh, and gotta remind myself to hit up the DLC – still on the to-do list!

Warframe seems like a hidden gem to me. Initially, I hopped in without any grand expectations, enjoying resource farming while chilling to music and chatting with other players. As I progressed from the early stages to the mid-to-late game, I was blown away. What started as a seemingly average free-to-play game evolved into an experience surpassing even latest AAA titles. It kept me hooked for hours on end; each quest release brought top-tier quality, introducing new gameplay mechanics and a lot more stuff to do. The game's consistent and expansive content always brings something fresh to explore and master, making it impossible to get bored. However, I must admit, it can be a bit overwhelming for beginners, as the various systems collide in a flurry of information.

Haven't tried the original RE4, but this one's legit. Great graphics, smooth gameplay, and the characters plus story are on point. Solid stuff

P.S. I really recommend the DLC too!