4 reviews liked by Ic_Vt

If you are sad that bloober team is going to stomp on everything that Silent Hill 2 is all about with their eventual dogshit remake than don't worry because the best silent hill game made since 3 is right here! Enjoy this game while you can before people try and tell you it’s overrated or nothing but annoying people talk about it and get you mad

After losing my save when the game came out and putting off replaying back to where i was 2 years later i am happy i finally did it. I knew i would love it, i knew it would be amazing and still it blew me away.

I really hate this mindset that preferring the original Yakuza 1 and 2 over the Kiwami remakes is nothing but elitism.

I started playing this franchise when 0 came to PC in 2018. Even with that, I still prefer these versions of the games. These games have a unique grit to them that the Kiwami games do not capture well at all. For Kiwami 1 in particular, it feels more like 0 but worse and with less content more than a remake of this game. Worst part is that Sega is actively treating the Kiwami games as replacements instead of alternatives.

In terms of the game itself I think it mostly holds up well. Even without the ability to change the directions of combos it does not take long to get used to. Story is still entertaining with my only issue being Nishiki's sudden betrayal (the one thing Kiwami objectively did better).

If you can I do recommend starting with this game and the OG Yakuza 2 and go from release order from there, and playing 0 in between 5 and 6. You'll appreciate how the series naturally grows instead of starting with 0 (which is the best game in the series) then following up with the Kiwami games.

8 better give this man a happy ending this is too much

So my experience with Devil May Cry is one some might have heard others have. I always heard how great the series was, so I picked up the original PS2 copy of the first game. Played it for a bit and just couldn't get into it due to the fixed camera and some clunky controls. I then tried the reboot, DmC Devil May Cry, and actually really liked it. Combat was a lot more fun and I didn't think the main dude was as bad as I kept hearing he was. So I kept hearing 5 was getting tons of praise and only recently discovered it had a video in the game to watch to catch new people up on what's going on. So I played through it and had an absolute blast from the very start till the very end.

Combat in this game was definitely something I had to basically rewire my brain to get into. I've already played through the Bayonetta trilogy, but those games don't play the same as this despite being character action games. Nero was one I struggled pretty much my whole playthrough to get into. It's not that he's not fun, it's more I couldn't really understand the breaker system. Since I played through the game on Human (I'm bad at video games) I didn't ever feel a need to use them. I'm sure on higher difficulties they're a lot more necessary, but for now I tended to just use them every once in a while. V was one I was worried about since a lot of fans said he's weird and seemed to be a common thing that people couldn't do much with. Personally, I loved playing as V. Being able to send off your demon minions to take out enemies while also making sure V is in a safe spot was a ton of fun. It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but I had a blast. Then there's Dante (who you don't really get to play as till like halfway through the campaign, but whatever). If the other 2 characters were a meal, Dante's an all you can eat buffet. He's got tons of tools at his disposal that make for insane combo potential. You'd think it'd be intimidating (which it was for me at the start), but the game does an excellent job at slowly giving you more stuff to use and giving you plenty of enemies to test your new stuff out on. There's also the void to test things out, but I preferred just going out and using them on the battlefield.

The characters definitely helpped keep things always interesting. Dante is the lovable smartass who loves to throw quips out at demons, even in desperate situations. Once he's finally playable, the game focuses almost completely on him and I loved it. V is this mysterious dude who loves to speak in poetic quotes. I enjoyed the parts where he's talking to his demon bird named Griffon. Nero is kind of like diet Dante, but still enough there to set the two apart. The secondary characters are also great, especially Nico who builds Nero's breakers.

I was surprisingly able to keep up with the story pretty well despite this being my first game of the series. It's honestly pretty straight forward for the most part with smaller things that fans can dig into and get more out of. Like I can't deny there's definitely moments that most likely would have had me screaming if I was more into the series cause they definitely seem like massive fangasm moments.

Devil May Cry 5 is a super fun and engaging action game. If you've never played any game in the series before, I might recommend either going back and starting from the beginning or looking up a more detailed video of the previous 4 games. Also fuck Capcom for putting pointless microtransactions in the game. The only point of them is if you want like all of the abilities from the start and like just fuck off with that. If you're that damn lazy to unlock shit, then don't play videogames. It's not even like this is a grindy game. It just makes Capcom look even more greedy.