Ooh-wee-hoo, Half Life 2 is an alright game
Oh-oh, and Episode 1 is bad
Nothing happens and the gunplay is shit
This game ain't my bag

Edit: ok so I actually finished it, adding half a star because the funny linkin park meme, but overall it's extremely weak

the european box art is better don't @ me

''Holy shit this game was scary'' I said to myself in pure daylight with the blinds wide open under a blanket with warm coffee with the game volume low and a podcast playing in the background with the gameplay set to easy

The DS cartridge has a 2010 save file of a woman called Ellie whos brain "age" was 80 and I thought she died

The minigames were more fun than the game itself and they're a port from 64DS but hey the more you know

10 year old kid and his annoying ass dog become superheroes and discover the power of getting some pussy

(reccomended by Retyl#3540 for my 2022 game list)

the orc lady gives me butterfiles in my stomach

got to world 4 before realising you could shoot

there was a garbage infestation and everyone at Tilted Towers died so I have to build 3 cemeteries.

Multiplayer and Salmron Run are more refined and polished as well, and with the card mode and other QOL. The story mode is actually fucking incredible this time around (better than Octo Expansion, I said it) I highly suggest you go in blind. With updates and confirmed story DLC (with everyone's favourite lesbians) Nintendo has proven to us once again that they can make fun and exciting IPs.

Nintendo make me your bitch.

how is this peoples favourite mario kart again

The best atmosphere. In anything. Period. There is nothing more incredible than staring out at the barren dystopia of the mess you created.

none of you will ever play kino like this even if it spits right at you

I genuinely don't think there are any other games out there that can tell a story like OneShot. I can't even write a proper review without spoiling 90% of the game but, thank you. Thank you OneShot.