I Went back to this game after 5 years of not playing and got the platinum trophy and I am so glad I did. Despite being very grindy this game is incredibly fun. The combat mechanics are good and the beasts are designed well.

This game could be really fun if it wasn't such a buggy mess.

This game isn't the greatest but it is definitely overhated. As long as you play this game with a couple of friends you will have a good time.

The difficulty definitely went up in this game, some of the puzzles genuinely had us stumped for a while. However I think this is not as good as the second game.

I didn't finish everything so I can only comment on what I have played and it was fine. It is a wholesome cat sim with some god awful platforming.

Decided to platinum this game as something to do for a couple of hours and expected to be blown away by how much people were hyping it up. Boy was I disappointed.

This game is actually quite fun. The combat worked really well and the platforming was not at all clunky like I worried it would be. Not to mention the boss designs are awesome.

First of all there is no way this game is made for kids. Some of the on the go events had me pulling my hair out. Other than that the game is a fine racing game with a good gimmick but is made too long by the 6k Drive trophy.

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This game is really great. I really liked both Jill & Carlos and the story of this one I think exceeds RE2. Not to mention Nemesis is cool af.

Fun co-op puzzle game to do with a friend. The puzzles are not very hard but will ruin friendships if someone is not listening.

I had this on my wishlist from when it first got announced but I did not expect it to be this damn good.

Great game to finish off a great series of co-op games! This was definitely most annoying one when it comes to the puzzles but it's also one of the best, only behind FriendShip!

Just recently came back to this game on xbox to 100% it and forgot just how much I love this game. It may not be the best Resident Evil but it is definitely one of my favourites purely because of how much fun it is co-op!

Finished most of what you can do on the game within about 10 hours of gameplay which is to be expected while still in game preview but a fun relaxing time nonetheless.

Actually a decent amount of fun for what it is, it isn't going to win any awards but I had fun for the 4 hours it took me to beat it.