The one that started it all. No run, no slide, no copy abilities.
Just a simple jump, inhaling and spitting back enemies, and infinite flying in a platformer game. It sets out everything it wants to do and not much else, and- oh it's already over.
Ah well. It puts a smile on my face everytime I play it and I'm basically guaranteed to finishing it when I do so it's like a fulfilling bite sized game.
Extra Game is kind of bullshit though.

Why is this somehow harder than 3 and 4 combined

Even the worst NES Mega Man is better than the majority of NES games, testament to the quality of this series.
As for 5 itself... all but 2 weapons are terrible, and even the ones that aren't are not worth using next to that Charged Shot.
This game feels almost fresh to play everytime I do because of how forgettable it is.
Super Arrow is a 10/10 too though.

An 8 bit game with the polish of a 16 bit game.

This one deserves to be played.
If it weren't for V being entirely original this would probably take the top spot for the best Game Boy Mega Man.

Not being able to jump out of a slide kills my enjoyment of this game, and that's a shame because it does so many things so well... but it completely fumbled in the control department (yes those 6 identical looking games have their own control nuances), I wish I were more ignorant on that front...

This game rules and if you are a Mega Man fan you need to play it (and check out IV as well!)

Treasure spent so much time on their game having a personality 95% of the time they forgot to make it fun

Mega Man 3 plays better here than on the NES.
Overall it's just a neat different way of playing 3 classics and having a really cool bonus at the very end.

It's like a cute fusion between the very simple moveset of the first game with a sample platter of abilities from the second game, alongside friends to change how those abilities are used.
Somehow my favorite of the Shinichi Shimomura trilogy, in great part due to me appreciating the compromise made for the hardware.

The unskippable cutscenes are the worst part of the game.
The bigger sprites are really not that big of an issue due to the game being designed around the beefier characters and the slide gives you just enough time to really nail those long jumps. Also the bosses are fantastic to fight buster only.

People dare to call Super Mario Land "jank" when this atrocity exists.

"Comme Mario, tu interviens quand la Terre est en danger."