I grew up with its DS remake and there's no beating childhood nostalgia, but even as a kid I knew Ultra was great thanks to this game.

I will forever think of my dad when I see Lei Wulong

It's shockingly not as awful as it's made out to be online.
It's not one of the good Sonic games, but it's also not one of the bad Sonic games.
It's just one of the Sonic games.

A sad victim of "this game is bad now" syndrome, if that is a real thing.
It's okay, kind of confusing but also very vibey.

Cheesy voice acting, unremarkable weapons due to how interchangeable they feel, but good enough.

I can't stand most puzzle games but I guess Kirby is the champion of turning things I don't care for into something I love (except pinball and breakout I guess)

I want to vibe with this game so bad but it's so frustrating to play with Kirby going from molasses to bullet train and getting hit over and over again because of the awkward movement and the garbage feeling abilities...

Prettier version of the Game Boy game with a story mode

It has problems but it's honestly just more demanding than the other Mega Man games: tough as nails but doable over time.
Now obviously play the good version of this game.

The best Zelda game is the one without Zelda?!

A game I like to think about more than actually play.
Still, extremely commendable for a first proper 3D attempt, and more faithful to Sonic's 2D roots than Super Mario 64 did to his own! (do not misunderstand)

An extremely weird relic that I somehow played through 4 different times (twice for each character)

It's slow but it's vibey, the combo-abilities are each a one dimensional novelty but are entertaining, the collectathon aspect is annoying but it leads to an amazing finale...
I'm conflicted and yet not at all.

A miserable first impression that could have put me off an entire series I now love if I didn't give up this one and moved on to its sequel.

A remake that omits some of the original's charm with some strange changes (Meta Knight's cool ambiguous intentions from his back and forth of help, fight, help, fight, real fight and one last help is gone and make him look like a one dimensional lackey), but it still carries the stronger gameplay elements of the original while being smoother to play too. Also co-op!