The seemingly undefeatable hero gets divided into 10 weak copies of himself and his disembodied soul must help them survive and defeat an otherworldly horror who's name literally means "death god", and upon finishing his adventure our beloved ball of happiness ponders about the beauty of space.
"Darkness had its place just as much as light [...]. For the stars sparkled twice as bright in the dark depths of space!"

Anyway this game might be gimmicky but it's another title with an identity all to its own.

A return to form that may fumble in a few areas (the other 3 playable characters are stuck as non-characters since they are basically puppets), but is a lot of fun nonetheless.
Also crafty egg.

Sent to die alongside the PS3 when the PS4 came out.
Aside from it being 5 levels long and running like crap it is a awesome time, but too brief...

Gets worse every playthrough as the Hypernova loses it's wow factor, and bosses are too happy to just stay in the background (looking at you Pyribbit), but it's another really solid game with very sweet and colorful visuals and cool new abilities.

Man this one feels so... slow next to the other campaigns lol
But it had to be good the first time to get there, and boy was it.

This needs to be an even fuller game

The artstyle and music are some of the best in this series... but it's less interesting than Canvas Curse mechanically...

"Oh this is just another dumb gimmick for another one of those identical gam-" NO.

Look I get it it's good and I really like it but I implore some of you to play other games too

Dash slashing feels like flying without wings: it's dangerous but the sensation is incredible.

Releasing a weird spin off game on a dying system is a sure fire way to make it forgotten.
It's indeed pretty forgettable but in retrospect I can't help but feel bad for it and enjoy it out of pity.

Singlehandly introduced many people to Kirby by being the most generic braindead entry imaginable.
Thanks >:/
Fanservice is cool but this is like adding frosting to a cake they forgot to put in the oven.

Epic Yarn with tacked on gimmicks is still Epic Yarn, but man those gimmicks are just unnecessary...

I have to congratulate the mobile port of this game: it genuinely felt like it was made for mobile devices and I was shocked to learn that it wasn't.

A deal this good only comes once in a lifetime.