My first SRPG. I enjoyed it when I played it on my Wii around a decade ago. Coming back to it, it’s slow and the way the turns are done is kinda bullshit. The music is definitely great along with the graphics.

I have nothing to say. This game is just a masterpiece. That’s it. It’s addictive. It’s simple. Anyone can play it. Anything can play it. You can even run it on fucking Google Images if you so please.

Back when mobile games were actually good.

50 doubloons for a remaster and rebalance of a 2011 PSP remake of a 1995 SFC game. And the fucking god damn sprites are upressed like its a mobile game and there’s no option to have the original music.

Fuck you Squeenix.

i was wrong. KMT2 was total shit.

If you like this game, you automatically qualify as a furry.

funny voice acting and mid 1990s FMVs

greatest game ever made

Why play this game when you can start a real cult? I’m already part of one and it’s called a fraternity.

Amazing graphics. Crappy voice acting (at least they tried). Beautiful music. Fun as hell gameplay. Not canon. This game is fucking great.