Never thought a porn game would be hard.

My first SRPG. I enjoyed it when I played it on my Wii around a decade ago. Coming back to it, it’s slow and the way the turns are done is kinda bullshit. The music is definitely great along with the graphics.

10 hours just for the first dungeon? interesting.

cmon CJ speed that translation up

Why play this game when you can start a real cult? I’m already part of one and it’s called a fraternity.


Honestly, this is the only good Atlus Game. So good they stole from themselves and created the only good part of Shin Megami Tensei III, the puzzle boy minigame.

50 doubloons for a remaster and rebalance of a 2011 PSP remake of a 1995 SFC game. And the fucking god damn sprites are upressed like its a mobile game and there’s no option to have the original music.

Fuck you Squeenix.

The best feeling shooter on consoles. Ever.

I was filtered by the running bridge.

It’s really bad. The level design is brain dead and the story is boring. Stopped at the end of the second chapter.