Games that NEED to be put onto Xbox One BC

With the Xbox360 marketplace finally shutting in July 2024, theres still a LOT of games that never made their way onto the Xbox One's backwards compatability service. Heres a list of ones I would love to see make it before the shutdown happens. This list isnt a 'GAME GOOD' or 'GAME BAD' list but more games I feel should be able to make their way over in one form or another.

As a rule
1. The game must be already available through the Xbox360 Marketplace digitally
2. The game must not be already delisted
3. Im usually going to avoid games with closed servers and unobtainable achievements
4. Im also going to avoid games that already have an Xbox one equivalent, either as a port or a remake/remaster
5. Lets face it im not putting most sports games. A lot of racing games are also off but most of these two sets of games usually are either delisted or have offline servers which breaks rule #3 anyway.
6. The list will mostly be games that got western releases. I dont know enough about the Japan-side of Xbox to know one title from another to assess.


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