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Jamie53824 backloggd VVVVVV

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Jamie53824 backloggd Max Payne

2 days ago

Jamie53824 finished Pony Island

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For personal reference more than anything else.

First full playthrough of this game after an attempt about 8 years ago.

This was alright, the main pony gameplay was kind of fun if a little repetitive at times. I quite liked the puzzles as well. The story wasn't particularly interesting and it felt a bit 'been there, done that', I saw a lot of the 'cute or child-friendly looking thing that's actually evil and scary' growing up and this one going the satanic route just feels one step further into generic territory. I did really like the section with Asmodeus though, the fake steam messages absolutely got me and made me check before I got to the ones that would have made the fact they were fake incredibly clear, it did kind of freak me out which was good. I was also surprised that Hopeless Soul wasn't evil as I really thought they would be, so that felt quite nice and subversive. In all honesty though I think that outside of the Asmodeus section, I was having the best time with the game when it was doing the happy and colourful bullshit with Louey which feels like it kind of defeats the point of the game. I think there may be more under the surface to this game in terms of its story and what its trying to say, but what I felt played messy, shallow and relying too hard on shock value. So I don't exactly care to look it up or whatever. The music was really good though and I was a fan of the general aesthetic of the game.

Its not a bad game and I don't regret my time with it, but I don't really have much to say about it either nor do I think it will really stay in my mind. Still though, it was an alright game.

3 days ago

Jamie53824 finished Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

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For personal reference more than anything else.

First full playthrough of this game after an attempt about 8-9 years ago and another attempt 2 years ago. Got 76%.

I was sort of worried about going back to this game as I figured it would just be kind of boring and play poorly but as I wanted to replay Rise at some point and figured that it felt weird to go straight into that one, I decided to at the very least try this and see what happens.

To start off with the story is actually pretty good, I really liked learning about Himiko and what Matthias and the Solarii were trying to do. I also think that Lara's personal journey is great as well, I quite like this version of Lara and found it interesting to follow her and see how she changes throughout the game. I also think that around the halfway point onwards I genuinely considered her to be a badass due to how many enemies she was dealing with and the fact that she was able to dispatch all of them, her getting the grenade launcher in the Solarii Fortress was definitely a highlight to me.

The rest of the characters were just sort of there, Alex was annoying, Whitman was kind of a prick but he was hot so I didn't really mind, Jonah was likeable but didn't really seem to do much, Roth was fine, Grim was funny. Reyes I liked and she provided a nice change of pace due to her slight dislike of Lara which I was a fan of as it made their conversations (and Reyes as a character) more interesting and I thought Sam was good, with me also enjoying the relationship between her and Lara. There were two things I really liked about the Endurance crew, the first were the cutscenes where Lara would watch some old videos they made of happier times (I kind of wish they did this a bit more though as they were nice to watch and I think they would have really helped to flesh out the crew) and the second thing was the hostility in the group at times between Lara, Reyes and Whitman, it made me think of the drama in The Blair Witch Project and Unfriended which is my favourite parts of those films and so I was very happy that it was present here.

As for the gameplay though, part of my worry was that despite having a far bit of it before and also having played Rise & Shadow, I for some reason thought this game would just feel slow with unengaging gameplay. I was so wrong though, this game is so fucking fun. The combat is amazing, all the weapons felt great to use, some of the attacks were really brutal and it was kind of cool. Upgrades were a surprise as in so many games I play, upgrades feel so boring but here it was stuff I wanted and made the game more fun. The puzzles were fine but most of them felt too easy and short, I think I did every optional tomb barring one and the majority felt like the first step of a puzzle but was over before it got to the main part. There were a couple of tombs I enjoyed and thought had a good puzzle that was more complex but they felt like the exception.

Action set pieces happened a bit too often I think, it felt like every five minutes a structure was collapsing, an explosion was going off or Lara was sliding down something. It meant the game relied on QTEs quite a bit which was fine most of the time but just sort of annoying every once in a while. Admittedly though, the frequency of the set pieces and the fact that they were ramping up in intensity with each one, making them more and more outlandish as they went on really worked for me and it made the whole situation very amusing, probably not what was intended but I was having a very good time.

Some scattered thoughts:

• I was going to try and go for 100% but while I was happy to get collectibles as I was going, stopping and making a point to look for all of them in each area got boring on the first area I tried so I just decided against it.

• I did enjoy the majority of the logs I found but I think in some cases it felt like they were saying things the game should have been communicating in cutscenes and the like, big plot moments and character development end up inside these optional and missable logs which I think was kind of a bad decision.

• Being able to fast travel in this game is very strange and doesn't really make sense but it is much appreciated.

I really enjoyed this game, I can't believe its taken me this long to actually finish it but I'm so glad I did. In a way this is kind of an important Tomb Raider game for me as while its not the first one I played (Underworld or the Sky Games one, I think?) or the one that really got me into the series (Rise), I don't think I would have gotten into this series at least as early as I did if I hadn't had got it on Xbox Live Gold and really enjoyed my time with it when I was younger, because of that I honestly appreciate it quite a bit.

5 days ago

Jamie53824 finished Kirby's Dream Land 2

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For personal reference more than anything else.

First time playing through this game. Finished after fighting King Dedede. Played on the Switch through Nintendo Switch Online. Got 76%.

It's been just under two months since I played a Kirby game and I also wanted to start playing more games when I need to kill some time for short periods and this seemed like a good choice. But unfortunately it didn't really work out. I didn't like this game, I think it was a mixture of things but the main thing is just how it feels like a less interesting version than either of the first two games, it is so dull for the longest time because its piss easy until the last two worlds and anything new it tries doesn't really work for me. Sure, its like the first two games which I enjoyed, but despite their issues they felt like that had something to keep me engaged or was worth sticking around/playing through the not so good stuff for.

All the levels feel the same except for the auto-scroller ones that just suck (except for the one where you have to go upwards, I didn't mind that one). The music feels the same. The animals don't feel like they provide enough of a different play style to justify their existence and in multiple cases I found myself ignoring them or immediately disposing of them because the little change they did bring was kind of annoying outside of when the game called for it. I will say though, I thought the hamster was cute.

The game feels like it finally adds a bit of a challenge in the sixth world which was the only one I felt even remotely positive on, as I noticed that the levels were actually requiring me to think (even if it was just a little bit) and not just play completely mindlessly. Of course this is a kids game, so really, it should be on the easier side, but the first two games are also for children and they provide more of a challenge than this one (kinda noticing a pattern forming after this and Dead Rising where I complain about the difficulty being too high in one game just for the next one to go too far in the opposite direction, I'd like to think that its because these games just can't find a healthy medium but maybe I'm just being a hypocrite). Another thing I didn't like was the length of the game, I think it was somewhere between Dreamland 1 and Adventure but it felt like the one that overstayed its welcome the most. I really don't think this game needed to be this long, it repeats itself constantly, from what I saw 3 different mini-bosses get used 3 different times each and the game even does the same thing Halo CE went on to do where you do a level you've already done backwards.

As for the ending, I was a little taken aback when the game sent me to the title screen after the fight with Dedede, despite the game hinting at another fight and so I looked it up. Turns out I hadn't unlocked it yet, as not only did I not collect any Rainbow Drops, I had no clue that they were a thing outside of maybe seeing one towards the end of the game. I could probably do it but I just don't want to, I hadn't really liked any boss fight in this game outside of the first phase with the cloud eyeball boss and the way I see it, I got an ending so I don't really care all that much.

So yeah, didn't particularly like the game.

8 days ago

Jamie53824 finished WWE 2K14
For personal reference more than anything else.

Played this a fair bit over the last couple of days. Have played it when I was younger and considered it one of my favourites for a long time.

Coming back to it, I don't quite feel the same way about it but I still think its pretty good. The gameplay is actually fun here which is a nice improvement over '12. Its faster and just feels better, there is a slight issue that I have in that unless a heavyweight (or heavier) wrestler is in the match then any moves are basically silent, it makes it feel like there's no impact when using moves which I'm not really a fan of.

30 years of Wrestlemania is a really cool concept and for a while I was quite into it but eventually I got a little tired of it and stopped as it was getting kind of repetitive and losing late into a match meant having to redo the thing again along with the objectives which was just annoying. But I quite liked having the unlockables tied into this mode and acting as rewards for completing the objectives in each match, its probably one of my favourite ways this franchise has handled unlockables. As someone who doesn't watch WWE it was interesting seeing certain things, what and who were popular at various points in time and how weird the whole thing got at times.

Some scattered thoughts:

• The HUD is basically just the '12 one again but there's now a thing that shows how damaged the limbs of an opponent are and its handy to have and I quite like it but I still just wish the game had a normal HUD.

• Create a Superstar seems basically the same as the one in '12 which is good.

• I kind of like the music even if its not my usual kind of thing but its weird to me how songs cut off after a while, I get these are supposed to be the various wrestlers' themes and it makes sense for them to eventually cut out but it doesn't feel right and it sort of ruins it when I've been enjoying the song.

I think this game is good, it was a bit of a shock coming back to it as I didn't realise how similar it is to some of the older ones. I mean both when I was younger and now I've just sort of gone straight from '12 to this and skipped over '13, but I remember it feeling like such an upgrade. I definitely think its better than '12 by a fair bit though and I think its quite enjoyable. I could see me coming back to this one a lot.

13 days ago

Jamie53824 finished WWE '12
For personal reference more than anything else.

Played this for a couple of hours over the last couple of days. Did play it when I was younger but don't really have any memories of it outside of getting it.

So, I have missed three games and while I may get to them in the future, if there's something about this game that was not in 2007 or 2008 that I want to talk about, then I'll still bring it up even if I know it did not originate in this game. Not that I think there's much to discuss here.

This game is kind of boring. It feels unpleasant to play, just slow and kind of awkward which 2008 also had but it feels so much worse here. Some improvements seem to have been made, the tap any button thing is only for submissions now and that's fine, I prefer it over the submission minigame in 2008. There's also a new minigame for pins which is to hold a button until it reaches a small shaded in part of a bar and then release the button in that bar, I kind of like it.

Some scattered thoughts:

• The lack of a HUD is something I really don't like, while there may be other types of games that I'm fine if they don't have a HUD, a wrestling game isn't one of them. The only thing is the bar that shows the player how close they are to getting a signature move.

• I started Road To Wrestlemania which actually seemed pretty interesting and kind of out there which was quite fun but the gameplay not being good made it so that I didn't want to put time into this mode to see it through a lot further than a few matches.

• Create a superstar is good and something that is pretty neat that I don't think was a thing in 2007 & 2008 is a lack of restrictions when it comes to customising wrestlers, in that anything present in this mode can be used by either Superstars or Divas.

• Difficulty seems fine but due to the gameplay, the game felt like a slog no matter what difficulty it was on.

• Character select screen is exactly what I think this series should have, having all the pictures at once and not having to cycle through them one by one.

Its a fine game I think, but compared to some of the other WWE games there's just no reason for me to come back to it, the one thing would have been the story mode but I could just watch the cutscenes on YouTube and probably have a better time. I don't really see me picking this up again.

13 days ago

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