Better than a Pack-in title has any right to be. Easily described as good clean old-school gaming fun. Solid 3D Platforming, good level design, a surprising amount of polish, and a slew of references to PlayStation IPs and Exclusives sprinkled throughout. The game also does a great job showing what the PS5 Dualsense controller is capable of in creative and fun ways (adaptive triggers, quality vibrations, touchpad, gyroscope, etc.).

Easy to overlook, but I'd recommend anyone who has this on PS5 giving this a play (especially as it's included with the console). Unfortunately, good 3D platformers are getting rare with time, so a title like this is much appreciated on my end from Sony.

Vastly improved from the first entry, it's very easy to see why this game is regarded highly in the Uncharted series.

From the first game, Uncharted 2 displays much better gameplay pacing, significantly improved and more frequent character dialog/interactions, a more involved story, and of course more high budget action-movie-like moments that the series is so well known for.

The game features gunplay that I still found engaging to this day, as well as puzzles that always seemed to be just the right difficulty. What really keeps my interest here is the characters. The banter/dialog from segment to segment really makes you want to see how the story will play out for all parties involves.

I did struggle a bit with some difficulty spikes towards the end of game (playing on normal), but this didn't detract much from the overall experience of the game. Other small gripes would be the hand-to-hand combat left much to be desired (normally just getting you killed by other enemies in gunfights). I also found the stealth mechanic really not being fleshed out enough to be viable (which, thankfully, is almost always optional).

As a whole I really enjoyed my playthrough of U2 and would recommend it to anyone trying to get into the series. The developments in story, characters, and dialog to me really show how this game is where Naughty Dog got its legs to prepare for its future iconic work of TLOU part 1.

If you enjoy the First Spider-Man for PS4 or the Miles Morales stand-alone game, you will have a great time with Spider-Man 2.

This game gives more of the same while simultaneously adding small details to continue to make the gameplay more polished. Things like custom web-lines, glider-wings, better control mapping for webs, and Peter's addition of the Black-Suit really help make this game feel fresh while keeping its original foundation from the previous titles.

As for the story, I find there's content for any Spider-Man or action fan to enjoy. There's some big-budget movie-like set pieces throughout the game, this compliments Insomniac's own twists on the classic Black-Suit comic book storyline. Looking critically, the character writing is nothing too drastically deep, but certainly solid for a Superhero game, some good VA performances in here as well.

Lastly, I know some have criticized this game for its runtime upon release. While it took me just under 40 hours to fully Platinum, I find this to be refreshing in an industry that's already chock-full of filler in open world titles.

In short, while nothing mind-blowing, I think Spider-Man 2 gives meaningful improvements on an already great engine with its previous titles, and I'll be interested to see Insomniac's next entry in the series.

Out of the original trilogy this game definitely shows its age the most, but still quite a solid first-attempt at a more serious title from Naughty Dog.

Most of the game's struggles revolve around pacing (lots of repetitive gunfights without breaking) and its slightly dated gameplay, with lack of enemy variety until end-game. Thankfully, the game's short runtime makes the repetition an easy pill to swallow.

Unfortunately, characters and the storyline, where Naughty Dog typically shines, seems to take a backseat in this game. This is definitely a lesson learned, as it plays a much higher emphasis going forward in future entries of the series.

I'd recommend a quick runthrough of this game if you plan on playing the rest of the series or trilogy. With retrospect of the time of release, it can be easily seen how this was a great title when it launched for the PS3. There's still fun to be had here and I enjoyed my time, but it definitely doesn't reach the peaks that future titles do.

Really better than it has any right to be from a studio that hasn't attempted anything at this scale.

Solid story (nothing too deep here), good puzzles, and surprisingly captivating gameplay for a magic-focused title. However, this game really shines in its world-design, while exploring Hogwarts it's really impressive to see how much detail, and small-mini puzzles and hidden areas are crammed into the world. Anyone who's a completionist or exploration-focused player will really enjoy what they've put together here.

Highly recommend picking this one up regardless of if you've paid attention to the Harry potter series beforehand.

A great twist on the otherwise-consistent souls genre. FromSoft shifts the player from a typical passive, patient playstyle into a much more aggressive form of combat. Difficult to master, but extremely rewarding.

Great level and enemy design as standard from FromSoft, only complaint is there are a fair bit of reused assets here (including recycling locations and boss designs somewhat frequently). Regardless, highly recommended for any fan of the souls-genre.

Highly praised with good reason, great character dialogue and interactions that shows a unique father/daughter dynamic that wasn't as common in gaming upon release.

While today the Gameplay can seem somewhat repetitive and generic, it never overstays it's welcome, and was hard for me to put this game down to see how the story develops in each section..

Fantastic Souls game. Great difficulty balancing throughout, great level and boss design, overall, an easy recommendation to anyone wanting more after Elden Ring.

DLC hard as shit tho.

In my opinion, THE best 2D platformer to release in years. Creative level and art design, while consistently providing the player with a challenge with every step.

The deepest and arguably the best the souls-genre has to offer. Endless combat options, build variety and weaponry within a massive open world. At the same time Elden Ring manages to maintain consistently interesting, and excellent boss design (while there are repeat enemies, this is a given the sheer scope of the world).
In short, one of the best games to come out in years despite some hard end-game difficulty spiking that can result in frustration without proper leveling beforehand.

On the short list of excellent souls-like games that aren't created by FromSoft. Satisfying parry-focused gameplay, good visuals, great level design, fun bosses, and a shocking of polish on top of everything. It's honestly shocking that a company such as Neowiz delivered such a great addition to the genre.

Of course, this borrows HEAVY from FromSoft, including the obvious BloodBorne-inspired aesthetics and the prosthetic arm from Sekiro. However, I do think the game has such a level of polish, while trying some small experimentation of its own with systems such as the weapon builder, that it's worth a play for any Soulsborne fan.