I want to fellate Hidetaka Miyazaki.

It had like 2 fun moments. But then Majima stopped spawning and the level up event for him glitched out and wouldn't trigger and the dragon style is necessarry for the final fight. I played the game on hard to really push the combat to its limits but man hard mode isnt hard at all just poorly put together. Constantly stunlocked. Every boss goes into a state that cause them to heal themselves, Kazuto arase, yeah this game sucks but SURELY it gets better as the series goes on right?

Rockstar does it time and time again.

I'm tired of my champs being nerfed because pros are good with them.


This review was written before the game released

This game is frustrating to me because it went the tactic shooter route instead of the much more fun, much more interesting, class based shooter. Nothing makes sense about this game and I feel it comes down to whether you GET it or you don't. If you don't GET it its only fun playing with people who also don't GET it because since the time to kill is so short in this game it's easy to just be watching other people play as you'll be dead because you died in one hit as soon as someone walked on screen. The economy system makes no sense. The random spray patterns make no sense. The ads and crouch mechanics that you aren't supposed to use makes no sense. The game makes no sense. Bad.

There's just too many little things about this game I don't like. Might revisit but I most likely wont.

This was fun 10 years ago...but it's getting old now.

Has some questionable design choices in some spots but great nonetheless.