Deus Ex is so massively underrated. It's brought down by an underwhelming ending, but the options available, allowing the player to use their brain and be creative, make this one of the best immersive sims. Simply put, we need more of these.

I hate that I can't enjoy this game like so many others. The combat is meh, the story is just okay, side quests vary from pretty solid to pretty meh, and I honestly just didn't connect with the exploration. Not to mention I encountered a ton of bugs and it really frustrated me.

That said, I get it. It's huge, very expansive, and offers a lot. There was a period of probably 6 hours (out of my 24ish of gametime) where I was really hooked. Unfortunately, I made it about 75% through the main quests, having done one main questline (the companions), and I just don't want to keep going.

I will come back to this one day on the switch, with lower needs in terms of visuals and combat, and play as a magic stealth evil boy. Looking forward to that one day, hopefully I enjoy it more than I did this time.

Possibly the most impactful game for me as a gamer. Dishonored is a masterpiece. Elaborate yet not overwhelming level design, a beautiful game world, and incredibly interesting ways to interact with the world. It's extremely replayable and satisfying every time.

I enjoy this more than 7, but it is of a similar quality. The RE4 spiritual successor we deserve

Gotta be honest, the swinging is a bit too on the rails and makes this hard for me to go back to. That said, I was obsessed on first playthrough and this is undoubtedly the best Spider-Man story in games, and absolutely a contender for the best Spider-Man story in any medium.

Guys will see this and be like "Hell Yeah"

Hell Yeah

I'm a bit too stupid for this game I suppose, as I struggled with it more often than I would care to admit, but I can see the greatness here and am looking forward to checking out the expansion.

Made a lot worse by the comparison of RE2. It's good enough, but much less impactful.

An amazing survival horror experience with an iconic setting.

One of the best rogue likes, third person shooters, and sci fi horror narratives in games. Massively underrated.

Alright, this is my biggest hot take of all time, I know that, but I played through and beat the entire game so that I could have an opinion. To start with the good, it looks great for the switch, and the controls are very smooth.

Moving on from that, I found this title to be massively overrated and actually quite... bad. To start off, here is how I would describe the loop:

1. Go through boring combat loop consisting of jumping random and blasting locked on enemies, occassionally scanning and dodging.
2. Find new ability
3. Backtrack through an area consisting of the same enemies to find a thing you remember you couldn't get to
4. Find a tiny upgrade that means basically nothing
5. Explore near aimlessly, trying to ignore enemies to explore faster, but ultimately just fighting them to get them off your tail
6. The game tells you exactly where to go
7. Repeat

It's so slow, combat is half-baked, exploration is largely unsatisfying and annoying, and the rewards never seem worth the effort.

Part 2 expertly elevates the gameplay of the first where it's needed and doesn't fix what isn't broken. Unfortunately, TLOU Part 2 is so dark in tone and story that it lacks the contrast that gave the first game its heart. You can only beat me down so much until I'm numb and just roll my eyes at the torture porn.

That's not to say it isn't emotionally effective, but I can't help but feel that it wasn't executed as well as the first.

Easily one of the best 2D platformers ever made. Lots of fun even today

Easily some of the best games ever made. This is why we play video games.

Such an incredible game. Not the best gameplay, but an incredibly immersive audio-visual experience that rivals the best of them.