The puzzles were a bit slow paced at times but the narrative was a really fun rabbit hole to go down. Highly recommended.

Holy shit I’m not supposed to cry into a VR headset.

I don't like pinball.

I quite enjoy Kirby's Pinball Land.

Did a lot for the series as a whole and is a noticeable step up from the first. I miss the animal buddies

The most basic of a fairly simple series, but charming enough to still be worth a playthrough


Extremely basic, mildly charming, overly boring.

The game that fully converted me to a JRPG lover. Absolutely worth all the praise it gets. Every day IS great at your Junes.

A damn fun rogue lite. Very simple, but satisfying and charming in just the way I would expect of a successful indie from 10 years ago. Took me 6 hrs to beat, just the write runtime for a game like this.

Wasn’t familiar with the source material, so I unfortunately didn’t really understand a lot of the context for the story until googling it afterwards.

Outside of that, it was a fun time. A VERY linear metroidvania, with a gorgeous pixel art style evocative of SOTN, and some fun boss battles. Not too challenging, not too long, a good weekend game.

A fantastic start that, while it does throw a few novel changes your way, doesn’t totally make up for a gameplay loop that gets a bit stale by the end.

That said, the story and atmosphere is unique and interesting, and it did keep me hooked through to the end.

Really solid pace for most of the game. I enjoyed the story a great deal, and the battle system was enjoyable, if a little too simple.

The final boss was way more frustrating than it should have been and left a bad taste in my mouth, but it doesn’t undo the importance of this game in the franchise and the quality of it outside of that.

Had a few pretty satisfying puzzles and a compelling story and atmosphere to go along with it. Nothing mind blowing, but quite good for what it is.

I hate that I can't enjoy this game like so many others. The combat is meh, the story is just okay, side quests vary from pretty solid to pretty meh, and I honestly just didn't connect with the exploration. Not to mention I encountered a ton of bugs and it really frustrated me.

That said, I get it. It's huge, very expansive, and offers a lot. There was a period of probably 6 hours (out of my 24ish of gametime) where I was really hooked. Unfortunately, I made it about 75% through the main quests, having done one main questline (the companions), and I just don't want to keep going.

I will come back to this one day on the switch, with lower needs in terms of visuals and combat, and play as a magic stealth evil boy. Looking forward to that one day, hopefully I enjoy it more than I did this time.

Very cool on the surface. The gimmick wears off after a little while, but definitely worth the time and money. Quite funny as well.