I played this game years ago, and I remember basically nothing about it except for the feeling I had playing it: that it was 2D hotline miami with a sword.

Very cute with funny references and a unique idea. Doesn't really capitalize on everything and doesn't have very good gameplay outside of the silly references, but it also doesn't last long enough to make it that obvious.

Such a fun time co-op. A little too simple sometimes, but it makes for a easy playthrough with a friend.

A great time. Not a top tier indie necessarily, but it gets close

Gotta love animal crossing. Gotta miss all the stuff that isn't in this one. Gotta hate the lack of QOL features

Aggressively charming and inviting.

Fine for what it is. Certainly not an unenjoyable 2 hrs. I know there is more to do with the master dungeon and secret ending and whatnot, but the game doesn’t offer enough up top to get extra investment out of me.

For such a small team, it was a good adventure. Some interesting puzzle design throughout, unfortunately stiff combat, and a couple fun gags here and there.

I’ve never gone back and forth so much on a game before. MGS 1 swings back and forth from wildly outdated to holding up quite well and still being impactful so rapidly that it gave me whiplash.

The mandatory combat sections (I.e. the elevators) were atrocious, shooting in general feels insanely loose and inaccurate, the (mandatory) sniper battle was one of the most annoying sequences in any game ever, and just general navigation and stealth was super clunky and took me hours just get a hold of.

Then on the other hand, the story really picked up and was truly great. The presentation was good even now, and the world felt more fleshed out than many games now. Voice acting and occasional camp was awesome. I started off really despising the graphics and controls, but at this point, I could see myself replaying this at some point.

Also cyborg ninja is DOPE.

Really charming, with a brisk pace and clever writing. I loved the music and funny character interactions in particular. It’s unfortunately a little too simple and easy for my liking, but outside of that any flaws are completely inoffensive.

An absolutely beautiful experience that has what might be the best 5 minute sequence in games I’ve ever played.