The first survival horror game i ever finished. A beautiful game, that knew how to keep me playing til the end. The puzzles were interesting, and always gave me a big grin upon completion. Did not try to for the true ending, i'm not that much lf a replayer.
Sadly had a hard time following the story, but i know it is a beautiful one.

If you told me i would play an Andrew Hussie game that left me smiling like an idiot, happy for the person who made it, in like 2017 i would not have
believed you.
Except thats what this game did.
If you ask yourself how it is to make something big on the internet as an artist, this is the most honest and self critical metaphor on the subject.

You'd expect an american visual novel would not make me feel the same way a japanese visual novel would make me feel but here we are.

100% the whole game because why the hell not, the anime on youtube was funny so let's try it on.

Now of COURSE, some jokes did lend, in general the game is of great quality and the acting is really fun to listen to.

BUT COME ON, in a game that's presented has a rejection sim, having to date my gym teacher to get one ending (my last one, and probably the worst one), really blows.

I had some laughs, but i have to say it, i would NOT recommend this. Unless you want to waste 3 hours on a game about the sexual harrasment of women, not written by a woman.

Can't BELIEVE i'm going to play the update.

The best final level in the whole franchise, i'm speechless.

-Ending B-

Blasphemous is a charming metroidvania with beautiful pixel art and fun gameplay.
I can't give my full opinion yet, as i haven't completed the other endings (thing i will do in the future, i am assured of that).
The game was not as hard as expected, but really it's a + in the end.
The lore is pleasent to read, and the world feels rich and deep.

Will play again when i got the time for sure.

This is a reread.

At my first readthrough 6 years ago, i could not understand english, and the translation in my language stopped at act 6.

Now i'm bilingual. And i understood everything.
Every joke, every time travel bullshit all the shenanigans, why horses are so ironic.

I fought the homestuck. I like to think that for once, i beat it.


I can't look at the shapes in my room the same anymore.


This game surpasses Jet Set Radio in so many points at the end you kinda feel cheated by it.
The controls are so smooth that it becomes easy after the second zone but you don't really care because each zone is wonderful to explore.
This was too short, but only because i had a lot of fun.

Finished the game 100 percent, with 971 Pikmin, 448 lost and in 56 in gamz days.
It was, the BEST Pikmin experience, and thats by far. Even though the game could be considered too easy, like Pikmin 3, it has so many quality of life additions, coming back ennemies, and content i don't even care.
Thanks Pikmin.
Also i love the last cave.

Tears of The Kingdom released at a time in my life when i needed it. I had to get my mind of the death of someone very important to me, and the day just before his funerals, this game came out.

If BOTW was an ode to exploration, this is an ode to creativity and discovery. I never felt a game respond to so much of what i tried to do.
In most aspects, TOTK surpasses BOTW, bosses, ennemies, music, gameplay, combat, exploration, story, and the list goes on.
After completing the maps from all levels(sky, earth, depths), i decided to finish the game that helped me go through so many bad times (3 month is a lot).

I don't regret it, if you didnt like BOTW's ending, TOTK's will satisfy you. There, a page of my life is closed, and i can finally play something else.

More Spider-Man PS4, but just enough, not too much, and i love it, Miles is an amazing character.
It has more spirit than the first game and i would probably play miles morales again if i had a choice.

Blah blah it makes you feel like spider-man.
Nobody talks about the story though, i thought it was a great interpretation of the parker myth (great thing peter was already spidey for a few years).

I hate the ennemy hideouts tho.

I won't spend my time writing a lenghty review so im going to stick to three points:

1. The fun of testing multiple item interactions has been removed.

2. The ace attorney section is clearly a way to add game time.

3. This is barely a point and click, it has the gameplay of going in the next car of your train to piss because the toilets are out of service in yours.

(im sorry for the dev team, this must have been a disaster to work on)

I'm not the kind of person to enjoy fps games generally. BUT BLACK MESA DID SOMETHING TO ME.
The game never stops to surprise you, to bring you from fun scenario to fun scenario. I never played a remake that turned the next game into a joke.