Last game before Pokémon games quality dropped

IT was fun probably for the first 2 mazes... but MY GOD they get so long...

I don't get why people like it so much, bland dungeons, the murder mystery thing drags for 80 hours of the cast not having a clue. the cast was too small so I was able to figure out who it could've been early on. Maybe cuz I played P5 first idk. Characters were the only good part (not looking at teddie)

Played before patches, will come back to see if its any better at some point

First Persona game :) Stop telling me to go to sleep

Really short and feels like it falls off after the Dimitrescu castle.

Respect that it was the first of its kind back then but I also hate playing it :)

I like what I've played so far

I now subconsciously try to parry in the original :(

One of my first shooter games ever, and MAN what a way to start! Still holds up to this day.

How does my 3090 get 30 fps with the lowest settings? Before the update it was hella fun

I loved old phasmo but everytime I play now I gotta chase down the ghost for like 20 minutes unless it instantly gives itself away.

The gameplay doesn't really click with me, will prolly finish it one day.

Beat P5, this gets announced and on release I proceed to beat it in like 5 days cuz I loved it so much.