One of my favorites. Story's a bit bland and I'd love an extra couple of hours, but it's so unique, fun and well-executed.

Game design and narrative genius. The writing alone makes this game worth a dozen playthroughs, but so rare is a game that allows you to "do" almost nothing yet feel as though you've lived through unknowable things. Yet, you laughed until you didn't. In a snap the game will flip itself on its head, and your player behavior is always the driving force, even when it feels like its railroading you down corridors.
And the DLC's perspective on success and failure, the ultimate meaninglessness of all these things we quibble and babble about, is so well-fleshed out and visualized, with an ending so chilling, thoughtful, and bleak it's been burned into the back of my eyes. It's an astonishingly brilliant use of the video game medium, and a bright shining light upon what the core of interactive media has always been: first-hand experience.

Really beautiful and thought-provoking but didn't floor me.

The best 3D Zelda other than Breath of the Wild. So fun and memorable the entire way through. The shard hunt is rough but the remaster fixed it in a great way that doesn't destroy the fun of exploration.

Some of the most fun Pokemon has ever been with performance so bad it's unplayable. Unacceptable from the biggest media franchise ever created.

Played through so many times. Still spooky, still stressful, still unique.

The game that really got me into the series. Significantly quicker hunts with invaluable quality of life improvements. If you're nervous to try one of these games, try this one, after a little adjustment period you'll feel the addiction creep in.

One of the greatest FPS's every made. Pitch-perfect campaign, and excellent multiplayer marred by a cheating community and poorly timed launches for both the first and the second, just not enough people hopped on board in time.

Great game, so many levels in the early game are crazy crazy short. Likely a product of the time but going back to it I feel like I'm speedrunning when I'm not trying to.

Significantly better combat marred by choices that don't matter. The world is so fun to explore and the side quests are a great time but other than the great open world experience little feels like it matters

Did everything that Asylum did with a bigger world, more secrets, better puzzles, better bosses, and better combat. Everything a sequel should be.

Some of the most fun you can have in a multiplayer shooter with friends. Endlessly replayable, somehow, it's literally killing zombies over and over, but it just works.

Joy baked into a game disc. Sunshine will smack you around every once in a while but everything is so big and fun and sunny with level design that's memorable.

It really makes you feel like Batman.