Does what persona 3 does but not as great in my opinion. It still, a great game though and the cast of characters as a collective work better than 3, however, the characters by themselves are fine just not as good as 3 but definitely better than 5. Yosuke sucks tho. lol.

a fine game but it has its flaws. The story was lacking and the gameplay isn't the greatest but its fun to me nonetheless.

Not a great attempt at a mature game sega.

An unfortunate case of not enough dev time. Truly sad that if this game got some more time in the oven it could have been nice. coulda, woulda shoulda.

Shit controls but a really unique storyline that has the inclusion of dark spine sonic that truly makes this game feel like a fever dream but a good one I guess.

Could have been a way for sega to compete with Mario kart but they fucked it up.

A great experimental concept that pays off. this game feels and journey through space and does a great job of making every moment feel like a grand adventure.

The last great sonic game that offered a completely brand new storyline that doesn't rehash any old ideas. the werehog bits do get a bit old here and there but overall these games offer a great sonic game experiance.

The story in this one wasn't the greatest and they played it safe with this one however it's still a great game nonetheless.

Yet again they play it safe but it pays off and it's really fun.

a great time and the peak of early assassins creed. Really influential and a gem of the early 2010s

The best dragon ball rpg out there. packed full of the charm of the original series. so much nostalgia with this one.

Cool concept with an okay delivery. some brand new characters as well that add to the mythos of dragon ball and overall a fun game to vibe with.

The first game but better in every way

Masterclass in super hero games