Just like Super Meat Boy its to figure out, and then execute with perfect precision. Somewhere Nigh the End I got bored of tryharding.

It holds up better than city and even Knight, because less filler and more action and atmosphere. Gameplay is essentially the same, but they give you more enemies that can end your combo, and that annoyed some players. I will admit Deathstroke boss fight was a big letdown.


Short and frankly forgettable experience. It will likely become redundant with graphics and VR advances.

Base game was merely building your arsenal, but this cleverly nudges you to master it. Beating TAG 1 on nightmare means you got in the proper reaping and tearing zone. Play in moderation slayers.

Mostly gimmicky encounters. Nice shift from traditional Doom Eternal game loop, but I don't feel like replaying it. Sentinel hammer is cool and powerful, but it gets old, when you can just mindlessly nuke the area to release tension.
Final boss sucks.

Oh man it so heavily tries to be the only game in your life. That is why I had to leave it. Ultimate case study for addictive mechanics.

Nice balance and focus on tactics instead bruteforcing and APM. Satisfying to watch how it plays out and surviving by the skin of ones teetch.

It doesn't seem to get harder. I got 18k score and I'm done.

Cute, imaginative, great soundtrack. Not challenging, but you get a lot of superpowers to play with.

Very funny gem. Puzzles and minigames were satisfying and brilliant, but too often I was banging my head against a wall.

It was cool while it lasted. Which wasn't long

Gothic 2.5 - new map, new story.
We got lots of quality of life mechanics/patches you would expect from new game, but not necessarily from mod:
I've never felt stuck with dozens of quests I didn't know how to finish, which admittedly was the case with G2. There are quests at every corner, but just don't run around collecting them. If you complete them one at a time, you likely won't even have to use extremely well done journal.
You get separate learning points from leveling and from items. Overall less buggy and mechanics are well explained.
What keeps this gem from fame is lack of english dub. I vouch for polish dub and you should try it over silent dialogues.

Its an upgrade over older souls games in every way. After beating it very thouroughly I went back to DS3 and it's ruined just like rdr2 ruined the witcher 3

I have a soft spot for this game, because I played it at ripe age of 10. Very funny polish dubbing, popularity mechanic, economy, sieges. It aged well and is seemingly far superior to lets say Age of Empires. But there is something. Usually, becoming good at the game adds more satisfaction. But with Stronghold you'll discover how unbalanced and buggy it is. However, it's absolute blast for noobs! Especially versus friends.

I can get behind the opinion that acting and story is well made, but lets not buy into popular opinion that old games didn't have compelling story and Kratos was just violent brute. People praising walking and talking sims really just don't like video games.
Combat is button mashing and waiting for cooldowns. Hard difficulty makes it even more tedious, by giving enemies stupid ammount of health. GoW camera is another fail and idk where to even start with that.
Puzzles are insulting and boil down to throwing axe at colored circle.
Just make GoW3 and Ascention work on PC, because I am not interested in Ragnarok at all.