First Persona game and one of the best gaming experiences of my life.

Had fun, good game. (Dropped it for a few months before the final boss)

Peak.Best game in the franchise, nothing touches this.(Used the party-control mod tho on PCSX2)

Great game, Alignment system could use some work.

Most overrated Atlus game, I think hardcore smt-fans sometimes forget you're supposed to have fun playing games.
Also the Remaster was done horribly.

Really fun, story goes kinda crazy, character writing is definetly the weak point of this game.

I fucking hate First-Person Dungeon crawlers. The characters made this game bearable.

Best gameplay in the franchise, never had as much fun with an SMT game as much as this one, Story+Characters are really,really,really bad tho.

Amazing, only thing I didn't love was the combat.

Edit: I replayed it after 2 years and now love the combat. Also platinumed the game

Just pure fun, with one of the best soundtracks ever made.

Pretty good, didn't blow me away tho.

Good overall, dungeons are not great and the story is a bit forgettable.

Story didn't catch me, so I have not finished it yet.

The story and characters are not very good, but I still had quite a lot of fun with it. The score could go down to 3 stars but right now I'm happy with it.

GRAAA I FUCKING HATE FIRST PERSON DUNGEON CRAWLERS!!!! I dont think I had fun for more than 5 minutes at a time playing this game, but I forced myself to finish it because the story is really good.