Absolutely amazing. I adore the story, the characters and especially the soundtrack. The only thing holding it back for me are some of the dungeons and the sometimes excruciating encounter rate. I really wish mainline smt had stories like this but I suppose the focus on narrative is mainly reserved for spin-off titles.

Story and setting are amazing but the game can be really tedious to play.

Great story, fantastic characters, amazing ost (as always), probably the best voice acting I've ever experienced in a video game, beautiful visuals, the best boss fights I've ever experienced, extremely fun and addicting gameplay...
If the game had to cut some stuff that previous FF games had to make room for all of the above, then I do not mind in the slightest. I admit, enemies having elemental affinities and having actual control over your party members would've been the cherry on top, but neither of those soured the experience in the slightest for me.
Absolutely my favorite FF game and it's not even close.

Alright, is it overrated? Yeah, imo it kind of is.
Does that mean it's not a great game? Hell no.
I think it has aged pretty well in most regards with a good story, decent characters and great twists. (That have probably been spoiled for you, but whatever)
Gameplay-wise it's your traditional FF "turn-based" RPG. I'm more of a Persona/Megaten kinda guy, so not too big a fan of the ATB gauge but I got used to it fairly quickly.
I played the steam version, which I would advise against unless you really want your achievements. None of the Quality of life changes of other FF ports are implemented (3xSpeed,NoRandomEncounters,GodMode), setting up your controller is kind of a nightmare and you have to use a custom controller layout to even be able to use the D-Pad. So yea, just get the Windows Store version if you're planning on playing this game on your pc. Or emulate the switch port, idc I'm not your dad.

Best gameplay in the franchise, never had as much fun with an SMT game as much as this one, Story+Characters are really,really,really bad tho.

Finally finished it after having dropped it for 2 years. I got used to the gameplay eventually, however sRPGs might just not be for me. Really enjoyed the story and might replay it at some point to get the different endings. Overall really fun!

Great game, Alignment system could use some work.

Most overrated Atlus game, I think hardcore smt-fans sometimes forget you're supposed to have fun playing games.
Also the Remaster was done horribly.

I fucking hate First-Person Dungeon crawlers. The characters made this game bearable.

Story didn't catch me, so I have not finished it yet.

The story and characters are not very good, but I still had quite a lot of fun with it. The score could go down to 3 stars but right now I'm happy with it.

GRAAA I FUCKING HATE FIRST PERSON DUNGEON CRAWLERS!!!! I dont think I had fun for more than 5 minutes at a time playing this game, but I forced myself to finish it because the story is really good.

Good overall, dungeons are not great and the story is a bit forgettable.