A criminally underrated Zelda game. This version definitely has the most flaws but I found them (mostly) easy to gloss over. This game has the most fun combat, swinging the sword with your actual movements got me very well immersed, as well as a full, strongly involved story really made me really fall in love with it. Very close to being a 5 but doesn't manage to be as consistently excellent as TP

A rough wii port that has some infuriating moments due to its half-implemented control schemes and lower graphical fidelity. Not to say that I didn't enjoy it when it was good and its (local) multiplayer, it just didn't hit the mark compared to GoldenEye 3 years later.

A really unique game that builds on the foundation of Breath of the Wild, while also reimplementing old Zelda traditions. The better dungeons, bosses, musical score, story and abilities really sold me on the game, while the reshuffled and expanded overworld made it a good remix for BotW.
It does unfortunately re-tread the same ground its predecessor does, leading people to believe it's glorified DLC, which it often does come off as, but it did make me appreciate BotW and its fresh design again.
While the story is leagues better than BotW, it does muddle up the already iffy timeline and introduces too many new things never seen until this game (much like BotW) which would've been excellent for a new IP but not Zelda.

A very okay resident evil game. It had some new ideas to bring to the table, and tried to make the over the shoulder titles easier to play but it missed the mark, ending up more infuriating than helpful.
The characters are middling, all voice acting is weak and generic, not feeling much like actual people. On top of that the character texturing is abysmal and really should've been fully HD when ported, there's no excuse for that.
The story was okay, not the best but it was good for what it was, and leaning into an episodic structure helped differentiate itself, and hold the story better.

A really big step up from its predecessor in my opinion, having much more sports and gamemodes that grants much more replayability. Wii Sports walked so Wii Sports Resort could run because everything feels so much better with the wii motion plus add-on/wiimote and it's vastly preferable to its often inaccurate older brother. The minigames are so much fun with some real stand-outs like sword fighting and island fly-over, probably explaining why Skyward Sword is one of my favourite Zeldas.

A hilarious horror game, as ironic as that is, blending Valve's perfect humour and atmosphere into one brilliant, action-packed game. The game controls so nicely and is a good challenge on normal difficulty and has excellent characters (in both sets of campaigns). I haven't played the other modes, but I bet they're a blast judging from the main game. Definitely one to play with friends; you'll be missing most of the fun of the adventure otherwise

Such a unique shooter gimmick, it's the most fun and imaginative thing out there for VR. If you have VR it's almost a requirement to play this game. The story isn't anything special, but it doesn't need any story to be great

A beautiful platformer both artistically and story-wise, with excellent characters, set pieces, level designs, music, everything is just fantastic about this game. The difficulty is great but not super unfair (apart from b-sides and stuff, but that's optional). An excellent indie game and deserves the status it has among indie games

This game has a really fleshed out setting, characters and events but I don't like RPGs :(
It really sucks because if it played like your average open world game it could be great for me but the stats and hp and stuff really doesn't fit well where you'll have to lug gear across a huge world with nowhere to drop it off. Just a big turn off and disappointment because I heard great things about Fallout as a series. One day I might pick it back up but for now it's staying abandoned.

A fun, but hard to get into game that relies heavily on its multiplayer and not its (original) selling point, the campaign. The diversity in planets and eras are fantastic, even if it took a while for them to be fully implemented and while the game isn't loot box reliant, it was still an awful move to make it pay to win. Online is filled with veteran players who haven't quit, so it's hard to pick up for that reason, but I'm patient.
On the campaign side, it was a little short for me, and the resurrections campaign was even shorter, making it feel underwhelming for a huge selling point of the game, still fun, but not substantial.

A really well crafted mod that scratches that itch for more portal content. Less polished than the main game, with some extremely difficult puzzles at times, but it's to be expected from people who weren't the original devs. Props to them!

A really fun, diverse and (surprisingly) artsy fighting game that is best enjoyed when brawling with friends.
I usually save my reviews for games I've completed (or mostly completed) but I'm not a die hard fan or anything, I'll pick up and play it when I feel like it and have a blast button mashing on some poor cpus, and I appreciate being a casual in a game like this. Maybe one day I'll learn how to play it competitively but I'm happy with my current relationship with the game

A decently fun multiplayer platformer with great upbeat music and easy to grasp controls. It isn't something I'd jump to play at a moments notice however, unless I was asked if I wanted to play with others.

An interesting presentation of new and old stories using arcade shooter style gameplay makes for a vastly new experience which I was very happy for since I adore wii pointer aiming. Said older stories were adapted in a strange way, making room for a multiplayer mode, but I'm fine with the changes for that sake. The shaky camera made it hard to play absolutely perfectly, but it did mean that I enjoyed its difficulty. What i didn't enjoy was the inconsistent framerate, dipping to 15 at times for no reason whatsoever, but otherwise the visuals felt very impressive for the time. Worth a try to see nostalgic areas from a different perspective, and especially so if you want some fun multiplayer/light gun experiences!

A stupid and wacky sandbox experience with so much customisability and workshop mods that you can make an entire game out of this one and have a completely customisable experience to your liking.
The game falters in understandability a little, giving you everything all at once and it can get really overwhelming, like being forced to defuse a nuke that has thousands of wires inside. Definitely best played with friends and I haven't tried any online multiplayer outside of friends yet but I bet that would be fun too